Tag Archives: The deity of Christ proven by His immensity

Daily Bible Nugget #843, John 3:13

  The Nugget: John 3:13  And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven. (KJV) Joh 3:13 And no one has gone up into heaven … Continue reading

Posted in Apologetics--Christian, Bible Study Tools, Daily Bible Nuggets, Doctrinal Discussions | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Daily Bible Nugget #419, John 3:13

The Nugget: John 3:13 And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.   My Comment: Discussion is continuing at the “Islam and Christianity Debate … Continue reading

Posted in Apologetics Issues--Other Faiths, Daily Bible Nuggets, Doctrinal Discussions | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment