Tag Archives: Psalm 66:18

Daily Bible Nugget #108, Psalm 66:18

The Nugget: Psalm 66:18 If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me: My Comment: This verse tells us one reason why God does not answer some prayers. The subject of unanswered prayer makes for an … Continue reading

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Methods of Bible Study Part 8D–What to look for

D. As you read a passage or chapter, seek to find: 1. A command to obey This has nothing to do with legalism and everything to do with obedience and spiritual growth. Sometimes a command is directly stated, grammatically in … Continue reading

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Where to find the most complete cross references about unanswered prayer or anything else in the Bible

Using the cross references found in the center column of ordinary cross reference Bibles led to only a very few passages about why some prayers are not answered. In my last example study I started at James 4:2, which tells … Continue reading

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