You KNOW it’s a Myth—This Season, Celebrate REASON!

You KNOW it’s a Myth—This Season, Celebrate REASON!

Such is the title statement on billboard advertising posted by American Atheists, Reasonable since 1963 with the website

It has stirred quite a fuss already this Christmas season.

The trouble is, what the atheists are attempting to “knock” or criticize is indeed a myth. It is a myth because it is not correct according to the Bible.

That is the problem with all of our atheist friends. They simply have NEVER ONCE done any REAL BIBLE STUDY like that promoted here.

Apparently, no atheist has ever read and studied thoroughly so much as one scholarly work devoted to the defense of the Bible and genuine, Bible-believing Christianity.

Their beautifully designed billboard depicts the three wise men on their way to visit the baby Jesus in the manger.

The problem with that is the historical record given in the Bible never states how many wise men were in the group that visited the infant Jesus. It is not necessary to suppose there were three. That, indeed, is a myth that has grown up independently, not supported by the evidence in the Bible.

The number may have been suggested by the three gifts named, gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

Furthermore, the wise men never visited Jesus when he was in the manger, but found him in a house about two years later, according to the chronology established by such a careful scholar as Samuel J. Andrews in his work on the Life of Christ.

So here is the major problem the atheists have never faced up to squarely: what they criticize and disbelieve is a caricature of Christianity, not the real thing found in the Bible itself.

Among no doubt many other failures in logic, the atheists have succumbed to the “Straw Man Fallacy.” They are arguing against and faulting what no informed Bible believing Christian has ever affirmed.

On that point alone, the atheists have lost the debate.

Any atheists reading this? I welcome your on-topic comments. I will approve all relevant comments submitted, even if I disagree with what the comments may affirm.

But be prepared—I am willing and most able to meet all comers with sound reason, logic, and most important, verifiable evidence to answer any objections offered by our atheist friends who may have questions about the Bible and strictly Biblical Christianity.

I’ve been carefully studying these matters since 1953, so I’ve got you beat by ten years just to start with!

If you knew your Bible, you would know that God himself invites us to reason with Him, for He said,

Isaiah 1:18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.

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3 Responses to You KNOW it’s a Myth—This Season, Celebrate REASON!

  1. ken sagely says:

    there is one big problem with mans reasoning its flawed by sin paul says in rom 1/28 god gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient. yet the lord invites man to reason with him from the bible like paul did in ac 17/2 he reasoned with them from the scriptures, isa 41/21 present your case,says the lord bring forth your strong reasons,says the king of jacob, god wants us to see oureselves as sinners and he promises to cleanse from oour sins, isa 44/22 i have blotted out,like a thick cloud, your transgressions for my own sake and i will remember not your sins,psm 51/7 purge me with hyssop and i shall be clean, wash me, and i shall be white than snow, i jn 1/9 if we confess our sins,he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. i need his cleansing daily thats why we can sing theres a fountain filled with blood drawn from immanuels veins sinners pluge beneath the flood lose all their guilty stains!! praise the lord!!

  2. K.Reilly says:

    Thanks for your well stated and scholarly response to the billboard message. I actually liked the line on the billboard that challenged us to “celebrate reason”. Should I begin with St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas or perhaps my namesake, St. Catherine of Sienna. There’s so many to choose from, I hardly know where to begin!

  3. admin says:

    Thank you for your most encouraging comment!

    I would be interested to learn how you found my site.

    I hope you will stop by frequently and make more comments!

    May the Lord’s richest blessings abide with you this Christmas season and the whole New Year to follow.

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