The Nugget:
Heb 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
From Ken Sagely’s Facebook post:
My Comment:
I lost this message yesterday but found it on Ken’s Facebook page today, so now here it is!
The Bible clearly tells us that (Hebrews 4:12) it will reach to the depths of our being to discern the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Read the Bible long enough each day (at least 20 minutes in total, not necessarily all at one stretch) and often enough each week (at least four days a week) continuously and it will produce an absolute change in your life! That happened for me starting in August of 1953, now 70 years ago, so I know absolutely by continuing experience that this is true. It is also confirmed by recent research reported by Barna and also Pew Research.
Jeremiah reports that he “ate” God’s Word (Jeremiah 15:16). We might say he “devoured” God’s Word. If you start with the New Testament as I did and read it continuously you will soon find it to be a necessary and tasty food that feeds your spiritual life and you will enjoy devouring its message (1 Peter 2:2).
If you will pray, as did David (Psalm 119:18), for the Lord to open your eyes as you read and study God’s Word, the Holy Spirit will work through His written Word in the Bible to give you greater understanding (1 Thessalonians 2:13).
David testified that God’s Word is a lamp to his feet and a light to his path (Psalm 119:105).
David further declared that God’s Word as it enters your life will give light, and give understanding to even the ordinary person as they read it (Psalm 119:130).
I am greatly chagrined and have said so in my note on Psalm 119:130 when any church, denomination, pastor, or religious organization or supposed authority takes it upon themselves to declare that they are the only authorized teaching authority and only they can correctly interpret the Bible (1 John 2:27). The Bible, properly read and carefully studied, explains itself to a much greater degree than they apparently realize because they themselves have not given themselves to the proper study of God’s Word. If your church teaches it is the only one true church outside of which is no salvation, flee that church! (Revelation 18:4)
When your steps–the direction of your life in your daily walk and pursuits–are guided by God’s Word (Psalm 119:133), God will work in your life (1 Thessalonians 2:13) to overcome the dominion and stronghold–even stranglehold–sin attempts to have over your life (John 8:31. John 8:32. 1 Corinthians 10:13. 1 Corinthians 15:58. Romans 6:14. Hebrews 12:14).
This explains why the research results discovered by Barna and also Pew Research are true–God’s Word promises to change your life if you will carefully read and heed what it says (2 Peter 3:18). Start seriously reading the Bible today!