Some Helpful and Unanswerable Apologetics Resources

The following is a post I wrote (on May 8, 2021) in the Logos General Forum (in a thread titled “Thoughts on apologetics and theological discussions”). It appears at the top of page four there. The thread is now “locked” because several participants “hijacked” the discussion. No one there responded to what I had posted, so I am placing it here for more to see:

I have had an interest in apologetics for many years. I have placed notes on the subject in my book, The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, at 2 Peter 1:16 and elsewhere throughout the volume, which most of you know is a Logos resource.

I have a printed book that is not in Logos or anywhere else that I know of that has been a wonderful resource. It is by Irwin H. Linton, titled A Lawyer Examines the Bible, published by Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Michigan, reprinted in 1969 or 1970, a work of 318 pages.

This book has been valuable to me because Mr. Linton introduces many of the classic works on Christian Evidences. Neither his book nor the excellent resources he references are available in Logos Bible Software. I wish they were!

A few of the titles he refers to are:

The Testimony of the Evangelists by Simon Greenleaf

Evidences of Christianity by Chas. P. McIlvaine

Cause and Cure of Infidelity by David Nelson

The Conversion of St. Paul by George Lyttleton

The Resurrection of Christ by Gilbert West

Evidences of the Christian Religion by Archibald Alexander (This title is in Logos)

Evidences of Christianity by Mark Hopkins

Horae Paulinae by William Paley (I have summarized this whole book in the New Treasury in notes linked  to Acts 12:12)


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2 Responses to Some Helpful and Unanswerable Apologetics Resources

  1. Crystal NICOLE JACKSON says:

    I love your teachings Pastor Smith! Going to look into the resources for the Apologetics…I love defending the faith.

  2. Jerry says:

    Thank you for making a comment here!

    I am glad you accessed the site and were successful in making a comment.

    You will find much material about apologetics. That is a subject I have been doing much more study about by reading modern scholarship for the past several months.

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