There is very little real, independent, personal Bible STUDY going on. This may be because no one is telling anyone how to do it. My plan for this site is to share in detail the “how to” and the “why” of real Bible study so that you will get much more out of your Bible than ever before. I think I have good reason to claim I know something about Bible study. I have been doing it almost daily since 1953. I have produced two major Bible study tools: The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, and its recent sequel, Nelson’s Cross Reference Guide to the Bible. That really is my name on the cover–Jerome Smith.
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Hello Mr. Smith
Thank-you for the NTSK and the NCRGB. Could you explain how you compiled the cross-references? What sort of methodology did you use? I recently started compiling a personal “TSK” because of a method that I stumbled upon by accident. Inspired by a reading plan by Professor Grant Horner (a system of reading the Bible in an increasingly interweaving fashion) I adapted it to an audio system by downloaded all 260 chapters of the New Testament in audio form and listening to them in a random order by pressing “shuffle songs” on my ipod. The entire New Testament is only 17.5 hours of audio so it is possible to listen to it in a few days. I’m seeing profound connections in Scripture and have started to compile new cross references. I can post some of the studies here or email them to you.
Dear Arthur,
Thank you for visiting and commenting here at!
I first saw a Bible with center column cross references probably about 1951 or 1952 when a neighbor who had a Cub Scout Den asked me to babysit her children. In her living room she had a number of Bibles which I looked at while I was there. One of them had cross references, and I tried them out, and saw indeed that they led to other verses on the same or similar theme.
A year or two later in 1953 I began reading the New Testament in earnest as a kind of self-defense against my very good Sunday school teachers, Dean Sawdon (who later became a missionary to Peru) and John Boykin (who later became president of the Christian Business Men’s organization). Our boys class in Sunday school was seated in a circle, and the teacher would ask us each a question in turn throughout the lesson presentation. It kept us on our toes. But when it was my turn to answer a question, I almost never had an answer. While visiting on my grandmother’s farm in Belfield, North Dakota the summer of 1953, my brother found a small pocket New Testament. I greatly desired to have it, and he kindly let me have it. I began reading it immediately that August, figuring I could get through quite a bit of it by the time school started and I was back to Sunday school. By November 7, 1953, I had read it through perhaps twice, and was as far as 2 Corinthians on a third reading. I realized while delivering newspapers that Saturday that though I had attended church with my parents faithfully since they carried me there as an infant, I had never actually personally received Christ as my Savior. I stopped right then on my paper route and prayed, asking for forgiveness of my sin, and asking Christ to enter my life. He did, and I have known absolutely ever since that day that I am saved.
I continued reading the New Testament even after that, and, using a copy my father gave me which he had while in the military during World War II, I began marking verses that impressed me. It wasn’t long before I found that the thoughts in one place matched what I read in another, and I began noting those connections in the margin. I also marked the verses with a symbol indicating the subject the verse was about. I would read verses connected by subject in sequence by following the symbols I had marked in the margin. I entered cross references in another Bible I had used since childhood.
In the summer of 1954 I participated in a most helpful class about how to study the Bible taught in a vacation Bible school class held for senior high school students at the Highland Park Baptist Church by Miss Ellen Groh, then a student at the Detroit Bible College, which was later renamed Tyndale College, but no longer exists. In that class I learned about several Bible study methods, and several important Bible study tools, including the original Treasury of Scripture Knowledge. I attempted to buy myself a copy at the Grand Bible and Book Store in Highland Park, but I had forgotten the title, and none of the clerks on duty knew the book by my description. I returned in December of 1955 and asked the owner, Mr. Barb Humphreys, and from my description he knew what book I was after and took me right to the shelf where it was, so I bought it with the $5 Christmas gift my Aunt Ethel had sent me in a Christmas card. When I got back home my Dad asked me if I couldn’t have better spent the gift on something else than that. It turned out, though, to be the best investment for Bible study I have ever made.
I continued to collect cross references in the margins of my wide margin study Bibles over the years. I gathered references from my personal reading of the Bible, and from studying subjects in the Bible to answer doctrinal questions, and issues brought up by false cults, including Romanism, cross references not in the original Treasury of Scripture Knowledge. One of the places I particularly recall developing more cross references for is Matthew 15:14. I also began to find cross references in specialized books on Bible subjects, such as Lansdell’s work on The Tithe in Scripture. Then my four year stint of weekly Bible study and discussion with Jehovah’s Witnesses led to finding many more cross references on a wide variety of doctrinal issues.
I saw an announcement from Jay Green’s organization that they were planning to reprint the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge. I stopped in to their offices in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and said I had used the book for nearly 20 years in a close study of the Bible, and had compiled a list of many printing errors and their proper corrections. They talked with me more, and said I knew more about the book than any of their editors did, and asked me to go ahead and prepare an improved and corrected edition for publication. They went out of business, but I kept working on the project until it was ready about 1988 or so. My work represents over 26 years of research and five full years seven days a week full time to type it up as what is today The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge. I spent two more full years working on the New Treasury files on my computer to produce Nelson’s Cross Reference Guide to the Bible. It was the Publisher’s desire that I should simplify the work by eliminating the complex symbol system used in The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, and otherwise reduce the book to half its page length. I managed to do that without losing any of the linked ideas in the cross references. So while the book is shorter, it actually in nearly 2000 places contains more references than before. An example of a place where the references are more extensive would be the cross references for Romans 15:7.
I like your idea of noting your own additional cross references as you read or hear the text of the Bible. I, too, am constantly making notes to add additional references I spot by reading the Bible myself, or even hearing it read on Christian radio. This happens several times a week. I am now preparing a greatly expanded edition of these cross references for future use in electronic software compatible with the e-Sword Bible program, a very good Bible program available free as a download from where other resources are available, some free, some for purchase, for use with that program. My discussions with Mr. A. Way who posts frequently on this site have led me to many additional cross references throughout Scripture I would otherwise have missed.
I am planning to start on Ezekiel 24 on my current new project today. Perhaps I’ll be able to do so this evening after supper.
Feel free to post some of your studies here in the comment section on this thread. I would love to see them, and others may find them helpful too.
I was first introduced to the original TSK through a website called “Blue Letter Bible” although I later purchased the hard-copy book. The great thing about having the resource online is that it makes cross-reference Bible study more efficient so more ground is covered in a shorter time.
When looking up a particular entry, not only are the cross-references displayed but also the entire text of each verse in the entry is displayed for immediate reading! This cuts down on the time spent looking up each reference individually.
In February my father bought me an iPhone for my birthday and I discovered Blue Letter Bible had a free “app” so I downloaded it. To my utter amazement, they also included the full TSK for free and accessible at anytime (even offline). I now look up any verse no matter where I am and read the cross references immediately at the touch of a button. Its incredicle how far technology has come. We must harness it for the glory of Jesus.
The other main tool I discovered using the iPhone is the ESV Bible app, which contains the ESV cross references, also available at the touch of a button for immediate access. Also the search tool which finds every instance of any word or combination of words searched, displaying the full text of each verse for instant reading. Its like having an exhaustive concordance on this small little phone. These tools have revolutionized my cross-references study of God’s Word.
I am not familiar with e-sword but I am excited to hear you are preparing an expanded edition of cross-references in digital form. Please keep me updated with any information as it becomes available. I was also wondering if the NTSK or the NCRGB were available in digital format either through a bible study software such (Logos?), online or via an app? This would be a dream come true.
p.s. I will post some cross references studies here shortly.
After doing some searching I found the digital version of the NTSK for Logos Bible Software for 39.99. I now have it on my iPhone as well as my other tools. Thank-you!
Also one more question. Do you have any information on how biblical cross references originated? I’m trying to do research on the subject but I can’t find much. So far all I know is that they may have been introduced with the Geneva Bible.
In reality, Jesus was the originator of cross-references even though the NT was not written, his life was the cross reference. Jesus Christ is the cross-reference to every verse!
A few verses which I caught when listening to the NT at work which relate to each other concerning the relationship between baptism and salvation:
Acts 10:47
Can anyone withold water for baptizing these people who have received the Holy Spirit?
In this verse, the people are already saved (received the Holy Spirit) before they are baptized. Baptism is not necessary for salvation in this verse. The question then is, what is ncecessary? The answer is found 3 verse back.
Acts 10:44
the Holy Spirit fell on all who heard the word.
A cross-reference I found for this verse by listening to the NT is this:
John 15:3
Already you are clean because of….(baptism? no)…because of the word that I have spoken to you.
The same as Acts 10:44: the Holy Spirit fell on all who heard the word.
Two additional cross references were discovered shortly after:
Acts 11:14
he will declare to you a message by which you will be saved.
Acts 11:15
As I began to speak, the Holy Spirit fell on them.
These few verses show that indeed Romans 10:17 is the way people are saved.
Romans 10:17
Faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.
There is so much more that Scripture has to say on this massive topic but this is just a few verses that stuck out for me after a few hours of listening to the Bible at work.
Dear Arthur,
I was about to tell you that the NTSK cross references are available widely in Logos and Logos compatible software, such as Nelson’s Libronix system. But I see you found it already!
I have written a comprehensive article here on this site that gives the history of cross references as they have been published in English Bibles. That article is in the November 2010 Archives. I still hope to find time to write a follow-up article to that one, but the November 2010 article is comprehensive enough to answer your question, I’m sure.
I have found the Blue Letter Bible TSK useful too. The problem with all the TSK resources in print or in software or online is that they still contain all the errors, or most of the errors, present in the original references from the print editions of the nineteenth century work. The NTSK corrects most of those, and the CRG corrects still more. I’ve found yet more errors and corrected them in the new work I am producing, a work which contains far more cross references than have ever been available before.
Some would object that there are too many cross references to consult already in such sources as the NTSK and the CRG. That shows me they have not done much by way of personal Bible study. Anyone who engages in Real Bible Study knows better. If you are seeking to get to the bottom of an important Bible question, important to you in any case, you want all the resources that can possibly be brought to bear available to help answer the question you have. Sometimes it happens that just one newly discovered cross reference sheds significant light not seen before, so I find.
I am amazed at how comparatively few Christians are aware of the value of studying the Bible by using an extensive collection of cross references. Some of today’s modern study Bibles contain extensive center column references, like the NIV Study Bible, the MacArthur Study Bible, the ESV Study Bible, and remarkably, the newest edition of the Lutheran Study Bible. None of these, nor all of these combined, are a match for the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge and the expansion and correction of its references I placed in The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge and its sequel, Nelson’s Cross Reference Guide to the Bible.
The most complete cross references in a reference Bible I’ve yet found are those given for the 1901 American Standard Version in a Teacher’s Bible published by Nelson. There is an Oxford Long Primer edition of the King James Version that has excellent cross references not replicated elsewhere also.
Now that cross references can be readily consulted with ease in various digital formats, no one has an excuse today for not making extensive use of them in their reading and study of the Bible.
Many think that a concordance will do the same thing as cross references will. Not so. Try studying John 3:16 in depth using a concordance. Using the concordance feature in Bible software you could follow up on the Strong Numbers by doing a search for each number for the words in the verse. You could search for the English words similarly. But that won’t reproduce the information available in the cross references.
As you well know, I’m sure, cross references go beyond just tracking the same word. Cross references lead to the same or a contrasting idea as it is represented elsewhere.
I have written an article here pertaining to studying the subject of what the Bible teaches about the reasons for unanswered prayer. No concordance would reproduce the findings the cross references lead to.
Where in the Bible would you find that wars were held at a certain place and at a certain time of the year? Try finding that with a concordance, a Bible dictionary, or any Bible encyclopedia. I had recalled reading about that somewhere in the Bible. I did not remember any specific term that occurred in the passage, so I could not use a concordance to find it. All I recalled was that it is somewhere in the Old Testament, perhaps in the historical books. I read the chapter headnotes in the New Treasury (which are more extensive than those found anywhere else that I know of), and did not find it that way. I tried the four volume edition of Smith’s Bible Dictionary, and it is not mentioned in the article on war, for example, so I could not find it there or in any other similar source, many of which plagiarized his material (compare the article in McClintock and Strong’s encyclopedia). I found the passage readily by means of cross references when I thought of another verse generally related to the subject and consulted the cross references there, which led directly to what I was seeking.
Try studying the doctrine of the Trinity starting with a concordance! Or Messianic Prophecy.
Cross Reference Bible Study does all this and ever so much more that you will only discover by using cross references extensively yourself in your own study and meditation upon God’s Word.
I am sure you are aware of all this–but how can we encourage the average person in the pew of whatever age or education, or even the pastors, or yet the many people who love the Bible but don’t attend church to discover these hidden riches of the written Word of God found in the Bible?
You are completely correct that our Lord Jesus Christ used this method of Bible study to explain and expound the Scriptures. I’ve even noticed “links” that are not explicit, but would be obvious to his Jewish hearers well acquainted with the Hebrew Scriptures, to material in Ezekiel, where I am working now. Sometimes when I see such a connection I make a note to add a new cross reference at the New Testament location that is pertinent to the Ezekiel passage I’m working on.
When I prepared the New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge I was constantly encountering such links on my own, and wrote them down in a large loose leaf notebook where I had a page devoted to each Bible book and chapter as needed. I would then enter the new-found reference at the appropriate place on the floppy disk for that Bible book and chapter and note the reference had been added in that notebook.
Now I do the same thing, but have a file which as of now is up to 129 pages in length here on my computer, where I’ll go back through the entire text and update the entry of these additional cross reference discoveries. I have found some most interesting things, let me tell you!
Bible study is a most exciting adventure. What is more, the information when shared with others changes lives for eternity, the most important thing in the world, Jesus said.
I’m glad you found my site. How did you happen to discover it?
I found your site after searching the internet for background information on the Nelson Cross Reference Guide to the Bible. I think I googled the title and your blog came up in the top results. I really like your studies where you pick a certain passage and go through the cross references giving your thoughts on each one. I think this is what we all should do when studying the Scriptures, mediating on the verses, looking up related verses and asking the Holy Spirit, our Teacher to explain them to us.
Dear Arthur,
I’m glad you found this site and now have posted comments to it.
I like the cross reference study you posted about the relationship of baptism to salvation. You appear to be using the process of identifying cross references and their relationships most correctly.
Thank you for expressing your opinion regarding my recent venture into supplying my own informal comments about the cross references I posted for Romans 15:7. I have more to post on that one, and the best is yet to come!
Dear Mr. Smith,
With all do respect to your knowledge of the Bible and experience. I have questions: 1. They say that Job didn’t complain to God. But in Job Ch.3 verses 1-3 didn’t he have a complaint about being born and when he got the disease at one point he complained and almost (did) give up at one point in the scripture (story)? 2. If he didn’t complain to God didn’t he out loud complain to himself? 3. How come God appeared to be helping out satans (devil) boredom by using one of his faithful servant as a test and had to prove something to him (satan)when satan probably got a pleasure of torturing Job whether he won or not?
Thank You (for allowing to ask a question)
Dear Emanuel,
Thank you for submitting your questions.
Probably it is not quite accurate to say that Job did not complain to God. That idea may come from what is said in Job 2:10,
There are a number of other persons in the Bible who seem to have complained to God.
In the book of Ruth, Naomi is a good example:
The cross references for this verse are very instructive. In case you don’t have access to those cross references, here is my most recent updated edition of them for you to check out, if you wish:
The symbols mean: + means find more here (in The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, or Nelson’s Cross Reference Guide to the Bible. * means clear verse. **means very important verse on the subject. % means contrast. S#4843h is a reference to the Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance to the Bible index or lexicon of Hebrew words at the back of the concordance. “Kal, preterite,” etc. is a reference to a grammatical category in Hebrew which need not concern English readers.
Jeremiah asks God some pointed questions too, as at Jeremiah 12:1,
Habakkuk had some questions for God too (Habakkuk 1:3, 13):
That, to me, is clear evidence that the Bible writers wrote from their experience of real life, and did not sugar-coat it, but told the truth about themselves, their doubts and conflicts, their disappointments, the down as well as the up side of life. Bible characters are presented with all their flaws. We know about the sins of David, and the mistakes of Abraham.
So, God knew Job’s solid character, and allowed Satan to test Job to the fullest, and Job won out. And so did God, because once the test was over, Satan knew Job’s character was solid too. Of course Job did not know why he was being tested. He says several times he would like to have a debate with God himself so that he, Job, could present his case and show his innocence. Job’s friends went on in their error, thinking Job was being punished for some sin, when clearly Job knew, and so do we, that he was not.
People sometimes make that mistake today. They assume that if someone experiences great personal difficulties, God must be punishing them. That is not necessarily the case. Jesus taught this very truth in John 9:1-3,
Satan is called the “accuser of the brethren,” as I recall, so he is still busy about his business, going around, seeking whom he may devour. But our Lord Jesus Christ has defeated the devil, so Satan is fighting a losing battle.
This may be the wrong place to post this question/comment, if so please correct me.
I have been in the Armenian camp and the Calvinist camp. This was the battle participants at Dort in 1610. Sadly these two camps are still battling and dividing. I am greatful for them because through them I was driven to independent study.
Because of independent study I am solidly in neither. Both of these’theologies’ have terrible error in them. Their errors have caused both camps to misunderstand the Gospel – the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. They do not understand God’s reconcilliation and hence His finished work. Hence most Christians see the Gospel as Jesus died for my sins, I have ask Him into my heart and I have my ticket into heaven. Sadly they spend the rest of their Christian experience working to transform or convert their flesh when God strenfthens them. They experience defeat and frustration, no joy, and little hope.
After all John 17:3 says to know God is eternal life. You cannot know God unless God gives you understanding in your new creation and renewed mind.
I see many of their errors involve ‘if’ statements in scripture. Some ‘if’ statements realy should be ‘Since’ and others are actually a conditional if. Can you explain through example how the NTSK can help clarify the proper usage of an ‘IF’ statement ?
Dear Brad,
You have asked a very significant question.
If you want to study all about the “if’s” in the Bible, the best place in the NTSK to start from is my note at Matthew 4:9 on page 1036. That note gives the links to all the grammatical classes of “if’s” used in the Greek New Testament, and each of those links gives all the occurrences of the other “if’s” of the same class. Those make a most important study. I walked my adult Sunday school class through all the references for each of the four classes. That was quite a study, and most informative.
None of our usual English translations properly preserves the subjunctive mood as and where it is found in the Greek text. The subjunctive mood often if not always marks a contingency, a promise which has a requirement attached, in many passages in the New Testament. Young’s Literal Translation does usually properly represent these in English.
My scholar friend, Dr. Malcolm Lavender ( is preparing an English translation which does carefully reflect these important grammatical matters. His translation was to have come out this year, but when I called him just recently, he told me it won’t be ready for publication until 2013. I am his editor, so I have a copy of his translation as he has submitted it to me for proofreading. But the final proofreading has not been done yet.
Back to your question:
Consider Matthew 4:3,
Mat 4:3 And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.
In this case, “If thou be the Son of God” is an instance of the First Class Condition, which does not imply any doubt. Therefore, Satan correctly assumes that Jesus is the Son of God.
But when we get to Matthew 4:9,
Mat 4:9 And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.
the “if” used is the Third Class Condition, which expresses a contingency. In this case, Satan is not so sure that Jesus will follow his request, but if he does, Satan promises to give Jesus all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them (see verse 8).
When you get the opportunity to check out the Condition which expresses “impossible or contrary to fact,” you will find some very interesting instances of this construction which, far as I’ve noticed, no English translation properly conveys, yet the matters involved are sometimes quite significant.
Let me know if, after you have had the chance to study out the passages for “if,” whether you have additional questions.
I have provided easier explanations of the Four Conditions in Nelson’s Cross Reference Guide to the Bible.
Mr. Smith,
First I want to thank you for producing Nelson’s Cross Reference Guide to the Bible. It has been a great blessing to me in my Bible study. I just happened to stumble upon your site today as I was searching for an electronic version of this book. I have the hard-copy and would love to use this resource on my computer. Unfortunately, some of the major software tools, such as Logos, Accordance, and Wordsearch do not have an electronic version of this resource. Do you know where I can find one?
Dear Anthony,
Thank you for your kind comments!
There is no electronic version of Nelson’s Cross Reference Guide to the Bible that I am aware of, and no plans to produce one.
There is an electronic version of my first book, Nelson’s Cross Reference Guide to the Bible. I have it in my Logos 5 software. I originally had it in my Nelson’s Libronix software. I think it is still available from either source. I got mine at a most reasonable price from Nelson originally.
I am working on a new, much expanded edition, of which many sample verses have been posted here for my Daily Bible Nuggets. My new resource is so much better than either previous resource that I regularly consult it myself for Bible study. But until it is released, the best cross reference resource available electronically is The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge.
I am currently working on Revelation chapter 7, so I am quite close to the finish line.
Dear Mr. Smith I was very blessed to acquire your reference book at a very reasonable price several years ago but did not fully appreciate it until my home assembly began going through the NT chapter by chapter searching for all of the links to the OT. Even with all of the many fine electronic study programs I use this book has really been the biggest help. I was wondering if you ever intended to produce an electronic searchable version that could be used independently or together with programs such as E-Sword. This would be a great service to those of us using this resource for personal study as well as creating our own documents to show others what we have learned. I did see somewhere that a fellow said he had an electronic version in his LOGOS program. Is that true and is that the only place it can be found in the E format. I thank you in advance for any time you may spend in your answer and thanks for sharing your many years of work and study with the rest of us.
By the way real study does involve real work but thanks to folks like yourself this generation of studiers can learn faster than ever before and are truly blessed to stand on the shoulders of those who had much less to work with but the vision to keep at it. Thanks.
I must apoligize for asking my question without first reading all of the posts. It was already answered in them . Sorry.
Dear Brad,
Thank you for visiting my site, and most especially for your kind comments regarding my book, Nelson’s Cross Reference Guide to the Bible. I am happy to learn that you have found it helpful.
My previous work, The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, is available in electronic or digital format. It is in my Logos 5 software. It may be available from Nelson in their Libronix software, which is where I originally had it.
I am working on a vast expansion of my previous works of cross references for Bible study. I have been working on Revelation chapter 21, and got as far as verse 14 this evening. You can tell that puts me very close to the end of a very long adventure begun in February of 2010. I have worked on it virtually every day since then. The work is so much better than both previous works that I usually consult my newest work for my own study myself!
Thank you for reading even more of my posts! I have not posted much lately because I had cataract operations in both eyes and there have been serious server problems since about September 15, 2014. But I hope to post more articles very soon.
greetings jerry I don’t how I missed this discussion on cross reference bible study
and your personal testimony has been encouragement many times in my walk with
the Lord and his word.! thank you ken sagely
Dear Ken,
Thank you so much for posting here once again!
I hope you will find it possible to come back often.
I keep you and your family in my prayers and hope all is well at your end.