The Nugget:
John 5:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.
My Comment:
What is the most important thing I can tell you? I think the most important thing I can share with you is how you can know you truly have eternal life, how you can know that you truly belong to the Lord Jesus Christ.
These things are not talked about today as much as they were when I was much younger. That is the primary spiritual reason why this country has largely departed from its original moral and Christian foundation. To solve the spiritual problems now experienced in this country and by this country, as partly evidenced by yesterday’s midterm elections nationwide, we need to experience for ourselves a saving relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and then share with others how to do the same.
I began this spiritual journey for real on Saturday, November 7, 1953, while delivering the Detroit Shopping News. This was a five-mile walk each Wednesday and Saturday when I distributed the newspaper to about 300 customers. I was not allowed to use a bicycle. I was required to walk my route.
I had begun to read a pocket New Testament from my Grandma Smith’s farm in Belfield, North Dakota. It had belonged to my Aunt Norma. I read the New Testament through about two and a half times between August and November. While walking the five mile paper route that grey Saturday in November, I had the opportunity to think about the content I had been reading and rereading from the New Testament. I realized that though I had gone to church since my parents carried me there as an infant, I knew I was not saved.
I stopped at a point on Lumpkin Street where I usually crossed the street in the middle of the block, and while folding the next paper for delivery, stopped and prayed silently under an oak tree and asked the Lord to forgive my sins and save me for Jesus’ sake. From that time until today I know I have eternal life and am rightly related spiritually to the Lord Jesus Christ.
I believed the promise that Jesus gave:
John 5:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.
Surely you can do the same! The promise is still valid.
Now how hard is that?
Good stuff Brother!
jerry thank you for sharing one of the powerful witnessing tools
we have is our personal testimony how we came to know ur lord and
savior jesus Christ and how he came into our life and changed us
forgave us of all ours sins and gave us eternal life. jn 5.24 was and
has been a key verse that I believed in for my salvation. I appreciate your
sharing. thank you ken
Thank you, Ken, for your encouraging comment.