Every election cycle provides a remarkable opportunity to carefully observe the propaganda techniques employed against, and even for, the various candidates running for office.
We all need to be very discerning about the credence we place in the news accounts we hear, from whatever source.
We also must be very strategic about how we exercise our right to vote.
It ought to be obvious that for Bible believing Christians to exercise the option not to vote is a very poor testimony to your faith. It is perfectly clear that if we are commanded to pray for all those who are in authority (1 Timothy 2:2), we should not take any actions that will in effect negate our prayers!
It ought also to be strategically obvious that to cast a vote for a candidate who cannot win is to deny the vote for a good candidate who does have a chance to actually win. Thus, mathematically speaking, to vote for a third party candidate is to cast a vote for the most evil option you thought you did not vote for!
I’ve stayed up later than I should this evening and participated briefly in a discussion on Facebook regarding this very issue.
Here is some of what I said, as best as I can copy and paste the information from Facebook to here:
A vote for Gary Johnson is a vote for Hillary Clinton, because if you think and vote strategically, Gary Johnson has no chance to win the presidency of the United States of America. When is the last time in American history that a third party candidate won the election for the office of President? Furthermore, Gary Johnson is not fiscally informed enough to know how to strategically address our current pending economic crisis that will result from health care monopoly costs expanding far faster than the government’s tax revenues. Mr. Trump has addressed this issue, and is the only candidate who has. Furthermore, Mr. Trump is not “bought and paid for” by corporate lobbyists, and therefore has greater freedom to do what is right for America. Also, Trump is not a globalist, but a nationalist, meaning he will put America first.
Another respondent posted this in reply:
Justin Catherine Pittman Ugh, why do I keep having to explain that my vote for Johnson isn’t a vote for Hillary… Here’s my options: 1) Don’t vote. 2) Vote for Johnson. See there? My vote doesn’t count for Hillary, it counts for Johnson.
Justin Catherine Pittman Also, if Gary Johnson isn’t qualified, what exactly makes Trump qualified?
I believe Trump is qualified by his many years of success as a top-notch negotiator, as a successful business person, who is devoted to standing up for the interests of the United States of America. Our current leadership at the federal level is obnoxiously incompetent. The “establishment” has not succeeded in living up to what they say they believe, or what they promise to achieve. They are “bought and paid for” by the corporate lobbyists, and do not represent the interests of the constituents who voted to place them in office. We don’t need any more leadership committed to globalism. We certainly don’t need anyone in the Oval Office who supports such a disastrous treaty as the TPP, the very secretive “Trans-Pacific Partnership.” Trump has promised to select Supreme Court Justices who come as close as possible to Scalia who unfortunately recently passed away while in office. Trump has even publicized who is on his list of individuals he would place in nomination for the Supreme Court. Since it may happen that as many as four appointments would occur during the next four to eight years, and these appointments would greatly affect which way this country goes for three or more decades into the future, it is imperative that all people wake up and see just how high the stakes are in this election. The opposition clearly understands this, for the media take every opportunity to put Trump in a poor light, poisoning the well through their vicious anti-Trump propaganda.
Have you done an equal amount of research on Gary Johnson? The results may surprise you.
Jerome Smith Yes, I have done my homework regarding Gary Johnson. I have posted on my own website links to what Karl Denninger has written regarding Gary Johnson.
Mr. Denninger is a very informed person when it comes to the dire economic issues immediately facing our nation. See the current interview this week on Greg Hunter’s website or Utube channel. It is also available at www.market-ticker.org.
Mr. Denninger was formerly a Libertarian, and a member of the Libertarian Party, and held a state office in Florida in conjunction with that party. He spoke personally with Gary Johnson regarding the problem of medical monopolies in our country who have through their lobbying efforts managed to pass laws favorable to themselves but which are fiscally irresponsible, long term.
The long term has crept up on us and is now headed for a very short term disaster.
Medical expenditures by the federal government have grown an average of about 9 percent per year for more than the past decade. The mathematical “rule of 72” lets you know that mathematics, not our politics, will spell our certain economic doom. At 9% rate of increase, medical expenditures double every eight years. The economy will collapse before it reaches the absolute mathematical brick wall where expenditures for this one segment of our economy and federal spending will consume the entire federal budget.
Mr. Gary Johnson “blew it off” when he was presented this information, carefully documented by Mr. Denninger in person. Mr. Denninger has also charged that Mr. Gary Johnson has himself been fiscally irresponsible in his handling of expenditures in connection with the Libertarian Party.