Daily Bible Nugget #407, Proverbs 14:15

The Nugget:

Pro 14:15 The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going.


My Comment:

This verse has wide practical application. One application in this election season is to always “look well” to “your going.” Don’t be among those who simply “believe every word” that is said against, in this season, a presidential candidate.  Learn the truth about each candidate by reading, listening, and watching the several sides of the argument, discussion, or debate.  Don’t simply go by what others report about past positions held by any candidate. All of us continue to learn more over time if we are alert and attentive. It is okay to change your mind about what you once believed on the basis of newer, more comprehensive, well-founded evidence. That is a good mark of intellectual honesty or spiritual maturity, as the subject and case may be.

I wrote the following on Facebook today, and thought it would be good to share what I wrote here.

I see a lot of disinformation spoken about Mr. Trump. I bought his books on Amazon. I am reading them. I have watched as many clips of his rallies and comments as I’ve had time and access to. Only low information voters are against Trump.
Trump is the only presidential candidate who is not bought and paid for by the lobbyists and special interests.
Trump has the best tax plan for you as an individual tax payer, with no income tax for the first 25 thousand for singles, 50 thousand for married, and 10% tax rate up to 100 thousand: that would help almost all of us. 
There are other unnamed politicians running who are low-information politicians who claim this country cannot afford to grant such tax breaks. 
ONLY Trump understands the economy enough to know how to fix it.  Trump has stated specifically what steps he could and would take to correct some major injustices that largely account for our deficits. Karl Denninger has written repeatedly with documentation about this on his blog at The Market Ticker, a site well-worth reading regularly. Trump can fix the economy by simply enforcing existing law–he does not need to go to Congress for this at all. 
This may be our last best chance to “Make America Great Again.” Only Trump has the boldness and audacity to step up and do what needs to be done. Not one of the other candidates has a clue.
Why are even so-called “conservatives” plotting a 3rd-party challenge to Trump? Like the “liberals” they are among the “low information” folks. It is time to think and vote strategically. Go third party, and you have given the presidency to the Democrats, which would be a disaster.
Vote for Mr. Cruz, and you get a  liar, and a “dirty compromiser” (as Dr. Bob Jones Senior used to say of others in a different connection), because Mr. Cruz is bought and paid for by Goldman Sachs, a financial firm for whom his wife worked, holding a high position there. I say Mr. Cruz is a liar because he failed to report how he financed his senate campaign, and so violated the law. Did you not notice that Mr. Cruz voted FOR the TPP, “Trans-Pacific Partnership,” a so-called “trade deal” that has been kept almost totally secret from Congress, and especially secret from the people?  Why do you suppose Mr. Trump constantly criticizes the current administration for their utter inability to negotiate “deals” that are fair to our nation?
Any votes cast for Mr. Rubio are for a now lost cause.  Mr. Rubio and Mr. Cruz and Mr. Kasich are all “establishment” individuals who do not have our best interests in mind, and any votes cast for them represent votes cast by low information voters who are not thinking strategically. The Republican Establishment in particular has displayed no moral backbone, and during this administration, they have caved in every time to the current president and the Democrats. The establishment and its leaders (Karl Rove, Lindsay Graham, John McCain, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell) are utterly evil, totally against the American people and what this country and its Constitution stand for, and must never be trusted again. Time for a complete house-cleaning in Washington, D.C.
Time to build a fence and stop illegal immigration, stop the drug traffic, stop the crime at the border, and make our country safe again.
Time to support fully the Second Amendment.
Time to support and properly care for our Veterans.
Time to bring the manufacturing base back to America where it belongs.
Time to bring the jobs back to America.
Time to think strategically, and vote strategically.
When there is this much of an effort to derail the Republican Party’s front-runner candidate for the Presidency even by some of the Republicans themselves, you know that the special interests see that for them the end of their illegitimate gravy train is near, and they are scared.
Time to vote for the one candidate, Mr. Trump, who knows how to stop their thievery, put them in their place, put them out of business.
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