I posted the following comment on Facebook this afternoon:
I realize people sometimes have strong and sometimes conflicting views about politics, especially during an election year.
I have noticed that even some Christians are either linking to unfair commentary, or are themselves posting their own mistaken commentary about where a candidate stands on the issues.
This is most unfortunate because we should be careful to post only the truth about a candidate, and post the truth that is relevant to where the candidate stands today.
We need to be very careful not to adversely influence the willingness of good people to go out and vote. It is important that every Christian exercise their right to vote for the candidate of their choice. When anyone chooses not to vote, he or she is, in effect, voting for “the greater of two evils,” in the sense that elections are sometimes very close, and for a considerable number of voters not to participate can change the outcome of an election drastically.
I have purchased and am carefully reading books by Ted Cruz and particularly Donald Trump.
I no longer own a working television, and do not want one. You learn best by reading, not viewing the nonsense often to be seen on TV.
But I have watched at length on the Internet the full versions of some of the debates and also the rallies held by Mr. Trump. I have watched interviews given by the candidates.
I personally was very impressed by Dr. Ben Carson because of his excellent performance as the speaker at a fairly recent Presidential Prayer Breakfast. He comes from a poverty-stricken background in the city of Detroit, Michigan, where I taught public school. He was motivated to read books by his nearly illiterate mother. He ended up becoming a top neurosurgeon.
I was very pleasantly impressed by Mr. Cruz and his family by his remarkable presentation at Liberty University announcing his candidacy.
I believe I have read enough of Mr. Trump’s books, and have watched enough of his speeches, to be able to judge accurately where he now stands on the issues.
What some of the other Republican candidates are saying about some of the positions on issues currently held by Mr. Trump is totally false.
I believe that of all the candidates currently running for the office of President, only Mr. Trump has the ability to live up to and successfully advocate for what he correctly believes will “Make America Great Again.”
Let me share with you an important “link” to an article written just yesterday by Mr. Karl Denninger, who presents an analysis of the important positions taken by Mr. Trump. Mr. Denninger’s writing is better than mine on this subject. His expertise on the all-important economic issues makes his voice significant, and worthy of reading daily.
Here is the article link:
His article is titled “The 10th Inning.”
He sometimes writes in a manner that I do not approve, but his factual content and careful reasoning make what he has to say important to know.
Be sure to take the time to read his article.
This is a most important matter. We must not speak or write falsehoods about another person, no matter who they are, or how much we may dislike them.
The Bible is most clear about this issue:
Eph 4:23 And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;
Eph 4:24 And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.
Eph 4:25 Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another.
Eph 4:26 Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath:
Eph 4:27 Neither give place to the devil.
Take great care to heed the commandments contained in Ephesians 4:23-27.
Dr. Bob Jones, Senior, used to say “It is never right to do wrong in order to get a chance to do right.”
By and large Dr. Bob Jones, Senior, is correct in his statement. The Bible does provide an interesting instance of an exception to this general truth. God Himself directed Samuel to conceal the truth of his intended mission should someone happen to ask where he was at that time going and why (see 1 Samuel 16:2 and the Note in The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge given there). But in general, the Bible is clear: we are always to be truthful.