I read a very interesting post at http://market-ticker.org/ today titled “Time Is Getting A Wee Bit Short” by Karl Denninger. I believe his site is well worth reading daily. In short, sometimes pungent articles, his brief daily commentary is most informative. I believe he takes a common-sense approach to economic, social, and political matters in the news, or that ought to be in the news. Like most writers, he falls short a bit when he makes observations that pertain to religious matters, and that is what I would like to comment on here today.
Mr. Denninger wrote:
Our government swindles you every single day with deficit spending, destroying your purchasing power. You cheer for your food stamps and how “compassionate” we are, and in fact you hear it in virtually every “mainstream” church. It’s all a lie; there’s no compassion involved in robbing people of their dignity and their ability to provide for themselves a nickel at a time.
Speaking of churches, have you ever wondered about their proclamations of an afterlife? Nobody has ever come back to tell us that it’s real, of course, whether it’s the puffery of Heaven or the fires of Hell. In my cynical hours spent with various spirits of the liquid sort I have occasionally mused on whether that is an intentional lie conjured by men as a means of trying to convince the common parishioner not to take revenge in the here and now when his boy is [molested] in the rectory or some other grievous insult has been perpetrated against him or his family. After all logic says that a dying man finds no deterrence even when confronted with a death sentence by the civil authorities, and when the church has conspired with said civil authorities to rob the common man in their mentally deranged version of Robin Hood…… http://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=229385
I would like to focus especially upon his statement: “Nobody has ever come back to tell us that it’s real, of course, whether it’s the puffery of Heaven or the fires of Hell.”
Simply put, Some One did come back and told us all about these things. That Person is our Lord Jesus Christ. It is on the basis of the FACT of His bodily resurrection and return from the dead that we know for sure that Jesus is Who He said He is, and that the Bible is true, and we too have an assured hope of heaven and eternal life if we believe in Him.
Check out for yourself what the Bible tells us in Luke chapter 24. My favorite verse there is Luke 24:39, a verse which pretty well tells all you need to know. But you can also check out the eye witness testimony of a person who deeply doubted the story of the resurrection, and was convinced when, in the midst of a group of gathered people, Jesus confronted Thomas with the direct evidence Thomas had requested, an incident you will find recorded at John 20:26, 27, 28.
As a matter of law, legal principle, and logic, once eye-witness testimony has been written down, its evidential value continues ever after and does not need to be repeated. The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is the best attested FACT of history that we have in recorded history because the evidence is confirmed by eight different writers who were either there at the time it happened or were very closely connected with those who were, whose written records have come down to us. No other historical event of ancient history comes with this much testimony. The testimony presented in the New Testament unquestionably meets the tests of historicity. The witness or testimony of the New Testament documents is therefore unimpeachable.
Now if you are resting your faith upon the claims of a particular religious denomination, as Karl Denninger might be resting his upon Roman Catholicism, your faith may indeed be on shaky ground, on shifting sand, instead of upon the rock-solid testimony preserved in the 27 primary source documents we call the New Testament. I encourage you to anchor your faith in the Bible itself. You will not be disappointed if you make the effort to get better acquainted with that most important Book in the world. I’ve spent much time on this site explaining how to get acquainted with the Bible by doing Real Bible Study. Take full advantage of this advertising-free opportunity to learn more from and about the Bible from the material I have posted here. I think all my articles are of permanent value, so just because I wrote some of them in 2010 does not mean they are out of date! Your time is better invested learning from someone who has spent the time and has done the homework necessary to be equipped to teach others. I think I have surely done that since 1953.
I just had my final cataract surgery yesterday, so forgive any typos you may catch in this article. That also explains why I have not posted as often as I have sometimes done in the past. But I could not miss this opportunity to call your attention to the valuable Market Ticker website written by Mr. Karl Denninger. I trust he won’t mind my comments here on a paragraph or two I found there that he wrote today.
Though I downloaded the most recent update of the software for this site and upgraded to WordPress 4.0 today, I see the developers have not yet chosen to adopt my suggestion to make links to external sites “live” in the main post. So once again I present them here in the comment section:
The link to Mr. Karl Denninger’s valuable and informative site is:
His daily articles are brief and sometimes pungent, but always worth reading to keep up on essential news and ideas about the economy, politics, social issues, and thoughtful suggestions for solving the problems we face economically. I highly recommend you bookmark his site.
The link to the specific article I quoted two paragraphs from that he wrote today, September 10, 2014, is:
I have placed in square brackets [ ] my Bowdlerization of his strong expression which might not be as appropriate here as there. Now there is a word you would find interesting to learn more about. The word comes from the name of an apparently very fastidious gentleman, Thomas Bowdler, who issued an expurgated edition of Shakespeare in 1818 that toned down some of the rather baudy expressions found in Shakespeare which would cause many people to blush if they understood what they meant originally.
jerry i appreciate your points on the authority of the bible in everyday life. ken