The Nugget:
Leviticus 25:23 The land shall not be sold for ever: for the land is mine; for ye are strangers and sojourners with me.
My Comment:
It may be that many Bible readers who start out a new year all fired up in their excitement and commitment to read through the Bible in a year find, by the time they reach Leviticus, that they are, proverbially speaking, “limping through Leviticus.” For beginners in Bible study and reading, much of the book of Leviticus will at first seem very obscure. Yet this book is most essential to a full understanding of God’s Word. For example, Leviticus chapter 25 spells out in some detail an economic plan that, if it had been followed faithfully, would have brought the nation of Israel economic justice beyond what is found in any secular nation today. There would have been no permanently poor people in Israel. Leviticus 26 is a major primer on Bible prophecy, where the whole predicted future of the nation of Israel is very plainly laid out in detail. Only Divine Inspiration could produce such information long before it began to happen. Throughout Leviticus and the books of Moses as a whole there is wonderful medical wisdom embodied in the commands and practices God taught the Israelites so that they would indeed experience “none of these diseases” (Exodus 15:26), practices which involved dietary restrictions and even proper sanitation. This is again evidence that the Bible was produced by Divine Inspiration, for Israel was far ahead of all other nations in its wisdom about medical matters, from the start of a newborn male child’s life in the practice of circumcision specifically on the eighth day, to matters of avoiding promiscuity and Sodomy, both dangerous practices which would have spread devastating disease, even as it does still today, with large portions of modern nations afflicted by sexually transmitted diseases. So, Leviticus is a very modern book, filled with the wise dictates of the Creator that will benefit all who will follow them.
The book of Leviticus includes what might be considered wise political advice as well. Leviticus 25:23 specifies that “the land shall not be sold forever.”
This advice directly addresses the present political turmoil in the Middle East and the land of Israel.
There can be no “two-state” solution according to God’s Word.
When the United States advocates for a “two-state” solution for Israel it defies what God declares in His Word. When the current Secretary of State John Kerry, and our sitting (more likely golfing) President Barack Hussein Obama work against the modern State of Israel, they personally are in opposition to the Bible and what God has declared in His written Word.
That stance spells impending disaster for us, not necessarily Israel. Bible prophecy plainly shows that to be on the wrong side with respect to Israel and the Bible is to be in dreadful danger personally and nationally.
Our current leadership, and our current populace, have forgotten or disregarded what the Bible plainly says. That will lead to our downfall if we fail to change course. The Bible is most clear about that, starting with Genesis 12:3.
Avoid like the plague belief or participation in any “anti-Semitic” nonsense purveyed in the media and in comments left on many Internet websites. Anti-Semitism betrays woeful ignorance of the Bible. Surely no genuinely saved person can engage in being anti-Jewish or anti-Israel.
The corrective? Get out the message of the Bible, properly interpreted, to the majority of our people so they can start exercising greater wisdom in their choice of political leaders and policy. The message of the Bible is declared right here at Real Bible Study. Personal salvation is the first priority: I have written about that in the immediately prior Bible Nugget #316 about Romans 10:13. Personal and national obedience to God’s Word are critical (Psalm 9:17). Reach out to others you know with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Spread the word. Contribute to the discussion here. Wake up to the truth before it is too late!
For those who desire to DIG DEEPER into this subject:
(1) Consult the cross references given in Nelson’s Cross Reference Guide to the Bible on page 138 for Leviticus 25:23.
(2) Consult the cross references given in The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge on page 154 or in Logos 5 Bible software for Leviticus 25:23.
(3) Lacking access to those two resources, consult the cross references for this passage as I have developed them as given below:
Leviticus 25:23. The land. See on ver. Leviticus 25:10. Nu 36:4. 1 K 21:3. Is 62:4. Je 32:7. Ezk 45:1. *Ezk 48:14. Joel 2:18. shall not be sold. ver. Le 25:34. 1 K 21:3. **Ezk 48:14. **Joel 3:2. for ever. or, to be quite cut off. Heb. for cutting off. ver. Le 25:30. Le 16:34. Ex 21:6. Dt 15:17. 1 S 1:22. 27:12n. 28:2. 1 K 12:7. *1 Ch 28:4. Jb 41:4. +*Ps 24:9n. for the land is mine. The land was held as belonging to Jehovah, and if sold, or redeemed, the price must be reckoned according to the number of years to the next Jubilee, when all possessions returned to their former owners (Concise Bible Dictionary, London, Geo. Morrish, n.d., p. 455). Le 27:24. +**Dt 32:43. 2 Ch 7:20. Ps 24:1. 85:1. Is 8:8. 62:4. +*Ezk 38:16. Ho 9:3. *Joel 2:18. **Joel 3:2. for ye are strangers. Ge 23:4. 49:7. *1 Ch 29:15. *Ps 39:12. 119:19. *He 11:9-13. *1 P 2:11.