The Ultimate Cross Reference Treasury features explained

The Ultimate Cross Reference Treasury is unique among Bible study reference resources in that it is not generic, but content-filled. It is a resource where you can find answers to your Bible questions.  When more than one point of view is supported by equally qualified, equally gifted and devoted Bible scholars, I have attempted to give the evidence each point of view marshals in its support.  I have tended to give more attention to the “minority view,” particularly when the minority view seems to have the better evidence from Scripture in its support.

Below is the Preface to my new work, The Ultimate Cross Reference Treasury or UCRT.  This resource is available only from as a Premium Module which works with the new e-Sword version 11 free Bible study software program available at where on the top of the Home Page you will see a “Download” button. The e-Sword Bible software will run on a wide variety of platforms and devices, whether the PC, the Mac, and many portable or mobile devices. Thus my UCRT will work on all of these.

The Ultimate Cross-Reference Treasury

Prepared by

Jerome H. Smith

Copyright © 2016 by Jerome H. Smith

The Ultimate Cross-Reference Treasury is based upon The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge Copyright © 1992 by Jerome H. Smith and Nelson’s Cross Reference Guide to the Bible © 2007 by Jerome H. Smith. Produced under arrangement with Thomas Nelson, Inc., P.O. Box 141000, Nashville, TN 37214.

The Ultimate Cross-Reference Treasury is essentially a new work, featuring vastly expanded and corrected cross references and notes.

Scripture quotations and notes marked LNT are taken from Malcolm L. Lavender, Lavender’s New Testament, A Literal Translation of the Robinson-Pierpont Majority Text (1995), © 2015 by R. L. Lavender. ISBN 978-0-9795014-7-0 Used by permission.


This new Bible study tool builds on my previous published works of cross references compiled for serious Bible study, The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, and Nelson’s Cross Reference Guide to the Bible.

Does anyone really need a still more complete work of Bible cross references than what I already produced? My personal experience is that I certainly do. I believe anyone seeking to do serious Bible study will welcome this effort to provide a new, vastly expanded, study tool for cross reference Bible study.

How is this work an improvement over what was previously provided? In no particular order, let me share just a few of the improvements I have made while expanding the cross references.

I have:


1. made these new references far more numerous and complete (see Psalm 80:9; Romans 15:7);

2. more carefully sorted the references given at many verses to more accurately reflect the connection to the associated keyword (see Genesis 26:24; Exodus 26:14; Leviticus 9:22; 26:6; Numbers 12:10; Deuteronomy 6:5; 29:18; 2 Samuel 7:23, 24; 2 Kings 13:21; 25:13; Job 8:13; Psalm 5:5; 34:6, 7; 74:20; 76:9; 92:4; 119:155; 140:13; Isaiah 32:17; 47:11; Ezekiel 14:11; Hosea 9:11; Matthew 9:2; Luke 5:26; 15:10; John 9:39; 10:10; 15:20; 2 Corinthians 11:31; 1 Timothy 6:1; 2 Timothy 1:14).

3. repeated references when the reference has application to more than one keyword in the verse, because often in study I am focusing on a very narrow or precisely defined subject or topic, and the connections that are really there would be missed if they are not given everywhere they apply (see 2 Th 3:2, where reference to +*Ps 32:7 is repeated at the keywords “delivered” and also “from”);

4. added many new keywords (see Leviticus 26:6; Numbers 12:10; Deuteronomy 29:18; 2 Chronicles 7:3; Job 8:13; Psalm 5:5; 38:1; Ezekiel 14:11; Luke 5:29; John 10:10; 15:20; 1 Timothy 6:1; 2 Timothy 1:14);

5. corrected many “clipped” or orphaned references (see at Ezekiel 23:32 thou shalt be laughed reference to Psalm 79:3 which is only relevant when reference to Psalm 79:4 is included with it; at Ezekiel 20:13 to consume reference to Deuteronomy 32:27 is clarified greatly by supplying Deuteronomy 32:26 with it; so likewise at Habakkuk 1:16 they reference to Ezekiel 28:3 which lacks relevance without including Ezekiel 28:4; similarly, Deuteronomy 26:18 reference to Ezekiel 36:25-27 has been corrected to read Ezekiel 36:25-28; at Luke 1:25 hath reference to Genesis 30:22 should have read Genesis 30:22, 23 since it is verse 23 that is relevant, a frequent occurrence from the arbitrary cutting of references in the original Treasury of Scripture Knowledge; at Acts 18:6 unto the Gentiles is clarified by adding Acts 19:9 so as to read Acts 19:8, 9; and so forth);

6. corrected many errors in the cross-references, so that it should be almost impossible for any intensive user of these references to encounter any more printing mistakes;

7. added many unique cross references never provided before in previous published material (see 2 Chronicles 6:37; Psalm 98:2; Luke 5:29), references discovered in my own study of the Bible during the nearly 25 years since the publication of The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge;

8. provided as many reciprocal references as could be found, given the time available to me (now six full years, and according to my notes, more than 2016 full days of study, morning, afternoon, and evening!). I have often thought life is too short for one person to create this even more complete study tool—but this tool is likely more complete than any similar work previously produced. The initial motivation to begin this work stems from requests made by students of the Bible asking for more references, specifically references to the Old Testament to be given for verses in the New Testament, especially for the Sermon on the Mount as given in Matthew 5—7. I am sure I have fulfilled that request, and much more.

9. provided a full enumeration of the provisions of the Abrahamic (Genesis 12:2) and Davidic (2 Samuel 7:10) Covenants and greatly expanded cross references for each provision. In studying Mr. George N. H. Peters’ work, The Theocratic Kingdom, I was motivated to study these great covenants even further in response to Peters’ well-founded Bible study suggestion in Volume 1, page 285, under “Proposition 46: The Kingdom anticipated by the Jews at the First Advent is based on the Abrahamic and Davidic Covenants.” In a paragraph under Observation 1, Peters states: “Indeed, it is universally admitted, however explained afterward, that the covenants are the proper basis of future Revelation, and that they contain in an epitomized form the substance of God’s Purpose in reference to man’s Salvation, the Messiah’s Kingdom and glory, and the perfected Redemption from the curse. Hence, men of all shades of opinion agreeing in this matter, it is essential for any one who desires to become a real student of God’s Word to make himself familiar with these covenants, seeing, that, in the nature of the case, all things following must correspond fully with these previously given pledges and guides.”

10. greatly expanded the references to the Figures of Speech (see, for example, Genesis 8:22, FS148, the Figure Polysyndeton, or “Many Ands,” where many more references are given);

11. added many more examples of cause/effect relationship verses to the listing at Psalm 9:10;

12. added many significant new entries in the Subject Index (see, for example, the entries for “general call,” “effectual call,” “prevenient grace,” “TULIP” and its subcategories explaining this acronym and the full Scriptural documentation for each subcategory);

13. corrected the Name Index, so it should now be a perfectly complete listing of Bible names as they appear in the King James or Authorized Version, including the Translators’ marginal readings and renderings;

14. increased by several times over the number of entries in the Greek Strong Number Index; I did this to meet the need of missionaries I have heard from who complained that when they tried to follow the cross references in the original Greek they did not seem to properly relate to each other as they did in an English translation; I have placed the cross references to the original language separately from the usual subject cross references familiar to English users so that either study purpose is easy to follow.

15. Added new enumerated studies on the Attributes of God (Genesis 18:25); the Angel of Jehovah (Genesis 22:15); the names and titles of the Antichrist (Micah 5:5); and by the gracious full permission of Dr. Malcolm L. Lavender and his son Dr. R. L. Lavender, given additional notes and grammatical discussions to provide deeper, more accurate insight into the doctrine of the Atonement of Christ throughout the New Testament, from their just published (2016) Lavender’s New Testament (LNT), A Literal Translation of the Robinson-Pierpont Majority Text (1995), for which by invitation I wrote the Preface.

16. Expanded my notes on the Rules of Interpretation at 2 Peter 1:20, furnishing for some of the rules reference to specific examples of their proper application.

17. Restored all the notes given in Bagster’s original study Bible, The Comprehensive Bible (prepared in 1826), the source of all the original cross references and notes in the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge (prepared in 1834): I have restored the full notes where the original Treasury editors arbitrarily “truncated” them, and I have restored the many notes which were left out altogether; I have restored the original bibliographical documentation for these notes as given in The Comprehensive Bible. These notes are always identified by a preceding “Note:” designation.

18. Included a new and corrected Notes Index from The Comprehensive Bible for its claimed 4000 notes.

19. Restored British spelling for keywords to conform more precisely to the King James Version (KJV), also called the Authorized Version (AV), as well as the notes;

20. Furnished new notes culled from over five years of my active participation on Internet forums where I provided careful answers to Bible questions, or developed apologetic material in defense of truly Biblical doctrine in answer to the claims and objections of those who support mistaken theological positions.

21. Expanded the major discussion of how to study the Bible at an extensive note newly written for Hebrews 6:9.


I continue to key this major reference work to the King James Version (KJV), also known as the Authorized Version (AV), because this English version of the Bible does not undergo further revision as many modern English translations do. That way, the keywords given in this resource continue to match the stable text of the KJV/AV accurately.

The cross references given in this resource will work just fine with any Bible translation.

There are many I must not forget to thank for the varied help, motivation, inspiration, or instruction they have given as I have prepared this new Bible study tool. I would like to mention in particular Dr. David Thomason who first encouraged me in this new work, providing me access to more digital resources and helping me determine the scope of this project; to other now unnamed individuals in an Internet discussion who voiced a strong interest in having access to a far more complete system of cross references, which at long last I have now provided. I must extend special thanks to Mr. Ken Sagely who furnished me many books from his personal library, which have proved of continuing help. I must also thank Dr. Malcolm L. Lavender and his son Dr. R. L. Lavender who taught me much as they asked for my editorial help on the many books they have written over the years, and for granting full permission to use their works in this project. Dr. W. L. Wade, pastor of the Lighthouse Bible Church in Danville, Virginia and Pastor Scott Cheatham in Denver, Colorado have both been an inspiration for this work as they have shared with me their own interest in cross-reference Bible study, and Pastor Edward Barclay of Hope Baptist Church, Loveland, Colorado for invaluable help received. I owe my plumber, Mr. Duane Froh, thanks for introducing me to the e-Sword Bible software and for asking good Bible questions which motivated my further study (see Hebrews 13:4). I must also thank Mr. Phil Stoner and Mr. Rick Meyers for their encouragement to pursue this work. My brother Martin A. Smith encouraged my study of many areas of Bible doctrine I might have utterly missed. I must not forget to thank my mother-in-law, Mrs. Grace Opificius, who read and approved my notes, checked many of my cross references, and by diligent searching added a few good references beyond what I found when I needed more help (see Job 5:15). Last but by no means least, I must thank my wife Susanne for her continued encouragement and her patience with the long hours I’ve expended to produce this work, and to my sons Tim and Dan who have kept my computer and software functioning for many years.


Jerome H. Smith



The following symbols and abbreviations used in this work are important to understand to get the most benefit from its helpful features. An explanation of each symbol follows:


*    placed before a cross reference marks a very clear reference where the connection is usually immediately obvious. Beginning users are encouraged to use these references first. As more experience is gained, all the references may be consulted. Another important benefit of this emphasis marking is that when teaching a group and time is limited, these references are the most helpful to consider when time will not permit consulting them all.

**    placed before a cross reference indicates a critically clear very significant reference which should not be missed.

+    This symbol means “find more here” and marks where more references can be found at another main reference point on the same subject; also may mark where a set of references to the underlying Greek or Hebrew word is located, and for names, where the main entry for the name is to be found. Following this symbol three layers deep in the cross references will lead to a very full study, what I call “digging deeper.” After reading the cross-references given for a verse, dig deeper by following where the references marked by the + symbol lead. The “first layer” involves following the references given at the starting passage marked “+” by reading the cross references given for each at those passages; the second layer involves following where the cross references marked with the “+” at each of those second layer passages that the second layer + symbol leads to; the third layer involves following all the “+” references given that the third layer verses with the + sign lead to. After this much study you will have covered the related subjects very thoroughly. I have placed a detailed step-by-step explanation of this Bible study method at the end of the note at Hebrews 6:9 in a section titled “How to dig deeper using cross reference Bible study” giving a specific example to study 2 Corinthians 5:17 this way. This process of following where successive “+” symbols lead will also work to find a verse you know is “somewhere” when you cannot recall any specific words from the verse so a concordance cannot be used to find it: just find any verse in the Bible that has anything to do with the subject, and usually using the above process of following the + symbol will get you to the desired verse fairly quickly.

+*    marks where still more references on this subject or topic are located.

*+    marks a clear reference which also serves as a main reference point.

+**    marks either a very thorough collection of references or a set of references which are potentially of life-changing significance or otherwise most important to read.

%    marks a reference which contrasts in some way, perhaps another aspect of the subject, or a reference to the opposite subject.

=    marks a type or an antitype. A type is a picture in the Old Testament which is fulfilled in some way by a person, thing, or event in the New Testament. An antitype is the New Testament person, thing, or event which fulfills the picture in the Old Testament (see John 19:36).

=>    type or antitype identified on Biblical authority (see 1 Corinthians 5:7).

>    marks quotations in the New Testament from the Old Testament as well as at Old Testament passages the fact that they are quoted in the New Testament, and sometimes where the Old Testament or the New Testament quotes itself.

<a    marks an allusion to another Old or New Testament passage (1 Tim 6:7).

<rp    identifies quotations from the Pentateuch in the prophets (see Isaiah 1:2).

$    identifies references which mark the fulfillment of prophecy.

#    indicates a strict parallel passage, as in the Gospels, or the books of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles. Parallel texts in Proverbs are also marked. These have not been noted exhaustively, but only selectively.

S#    marks a reference to a Strong’s Concordance lexical entry number for Hebrew or Greek words.

*S#    placed before a Strong’s number (*S# H2312) indicates that all the occurrences of the original Hebrew or Greek word so marked are given here.

+S#    placed before a Strong’s number (+S# G2313) indicates that all the occurrences to the Hebrew or Greek word which are relevant or parallel to the use there are given.

()    When a cross-reference in a figure-of-speech listing is placed in parentheses, this indicates that the figure is not apparent in English versions (KJV, YLT = Young’s Literal Translation, or Rotherham’s Emphasized Bible) and so is not cross-referenced back to the explanation of the figure at the passage so listed.

()    In a series of references to a Hebrew or Greek word identified by its Strong’s number, the English translation is given in parentheses when the word is rendered differently in a particular reference.

()    An English word in parentheses after a verse reference lets the reader know which word in the verse translates the same underlying Hebrew or Greek word even when the Strong’s number is not given.

()    A word placed in parentheses in connection with the figure of speech Ellipsis indicates the word is not present in the original language, but is to be supplied in accordance with the figure of speech as indicated.

[ ]    Brackets enclose references to the original Greek words to separate verbal references to the original language word from the normal subject-related cross-references.

A.M.    Anno Mundi, in Bible chronology, the year from the creation of Adam (see Ge 4:3).

An.Ex.Is.    In Bible chronology, years since the exodus of Israel from Egypt (see Jsh 15:1).

B.C.    In chronology, the year before Christ.

BDBG    The New Brown, Driver, Briggs Gesenius Hebrew Aramaic English Lexicon.

CB    Companion Bible. This scholarly resource has been used carefully with reserve because of its editor’s materialistic theology and hyper-dispensational theology. See Ps 16:10n.

EGT    Expositor’s Greek Testament.

F/L    In the book of Isaiah, sets of references to “first” (Isaiah chapters 1—39) and “last” (Isaiah chapters 40—66) portions of Isaiah are given to demonstrate the unity of the book. Words alleged by some authorities to occur in only the first portion of the book are seen to be used in the latter portion, demonstrating that the book is the work of a single author.

FS    Figures of speech are identified with a reference number, such as FS148 (see Ge 8:22), followed by the name of the figure of speech in the main entry, or a reference to where that figure is explained, and to where all the other instances of that particular figure, or subset of that figure, can be found. This feature is an essential aid to Bible interpretation. This is the first time that such information has been made readily accessible to the ordinary Bible reader in one resource. The Companion Bible identifies many of the figures of speech in its margins, and has an alphabetical list of the figures with brief definitions in its Appendix 6. However, users of the Companion Bible who come across an important instance of the use of a figure of speech are not led in that volume to the other instances of its use. But to learn to identify a figure when it is used, one needs to see it in many contexts until one has developed a “feel” for the figure, and can learn its characteristics well enough to be able to identify it wherever it occurs. Of course, one can consult E. W. Bullinger’s Figures of Speech Used in the Bible, but there are many instances given in the margins of the Companion Bible which are not listed or discussed in that book, and many instances given in the book which are not given in the Companion Bible. This new resource remedies that, and furnishes additional references to the figures not found in either of those two excellent sources. It is believed that this new resource is the most comprehensive listing of the figures of speech in the Bible ever produced in English.

FS1—180    The names of the figures of speech have been alphabetized and given reference numbers from 1 to 180. Often the reference number is followed by additional letters and numbers to clearly identify the category or subcategory of the figure of speech. The full alphabetical list of the figures with the subcategories is given in the Figures of Speech Index.

F/S    F/S 542 means a reference is made to page 542 of E. W. Bullinger’s Figures of Speech Used in the Bible (see at Numbers 11:17, keyword spirit, for FS121A3, Metonymy of the Cause). All main figure of speech entries are so keyed to Bullinger’s volume.

FWG    F. W. Grant

g or h    Indicates verbal references to the same Hebrew or Greek words when used after a cross-reference. After a Strong’s number, indicates whether the number refers to the Hebrew or Greek lexicon at the back of Strong’s Concordance.

Gr.    Greek

Heb.    Hebrew

ISBE    International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (1929, 1939, 1960)

JFB    Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown, Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible.

lit.    Literally

LNT    Lavender’s New Testament, A Literal Translation of the Robinson-Pierpont Majority Text (1995), by Malcolm L. Lavender, © 2015 by R. L. Lavender. ISBN 978-0-9795014-7-0 Used by permission.

mg    A reference to the marginal reading in the center column of many editions of the King James or Authorized Version of the Bible. If preceded by an Italicized or, the reading or rendering is that furnished by the KJV translators; if preceded by an unitalicized “or,” the suggested alternate reading is from another source.

MM    James Hope Moulton and George Milligan, The Vocabulary of the Greek Testament.

note    Placed after a cross-reference (Ge 2:7n) means that there is a pertinent note at that reference in this work about the subject of the reference. These notes are of great importance. Four thousand of the notes are drawn from Bagster’s Comprehensive Bible and are now also indexed alphabetically in the Notes Index, available to modern readers in this new resource for the first time. This new feature employing the “n” symbol, now greatly extended, makes the many notes throughout this resource far more accessible than in previous editions, and provides a unique internal cross referencing system for the notes.


or,    Italicized “or,” identifies a marginal reading supplied by the translators of the Authorized or King James Version.

or,    Unitalicized “or,” identifies alternate renderings supplied by this editor from Robert Young’s Literal Translation and its accompanying Concise Critical Comments, and other sources.

S#    There are selected references to the lexicon numbers of Strong’s Concordance throughout this resource, so relating information given here to other published Bible study tools keyed to Strong’s Concordance. Consult the Strong’s Number Indexes at the end of this resource.

T    Topic Numbers are furnished in this resource, together with an important index to these topics, to give this resource all the advantages of a topical Bible or topical arrangement of the Scriptures. Sometimes the full set of references for more than one topic is keyed to the same verse. To assist the user to more rapidly identify the appropriate set of references, the topic numbers are given at each major collection of indexed topical references.

TDNT    Theological Dictionary of the New Testament


w    ”with.” This symbol is used whenever cross-references are listed out of their normal biblical sequence in order to show important relationships between passages. These relationships would be lost if references were always cited only in their biblical order. Normally, however, references are cited in their biblical order, excepting that references are first given to the same chapter, then to the same biblical book. All other references are cited in turn in biblical order. It is a sound rule of interpretation to seek first to understand the meaning of the language of an author by reference to the use of the same or similar language in the same book. The use of the abbreviation “w” has been reduced in this resource by more often spelling out “with” in full.

WKF    Walter Kelly Firminger, The Epistles of St. Paul the Apostle to the Colossians and to Philemon with Introduction and Notes.

x    placed after a topic number indicates the topic provides a set of proof texts used to support a false doctrine. The importance of including selected references of this category cannot be overestimated. Such reference sets furnish the Bible-believing Christian with a defense against false doctrines promulgated by what are sometimes known as “false cults.” Thus, by means of these symbols you can learn the commonly cited proof texts used to support a mistaken interpretation, and by reference to the cross-references not so marked, and especially by reference to cross-references marked with a % or “contrast” symbol, the reader can learn the biblical answer to many of the false positions of the cults. Such helpful sets of cross-references are now marked out for the user more fully in this resource than in any other single reference source available.

x    x or ? placed before or sometimes after a cross-reference indicates doubtful validity of the reference, for it is a wrong identification of the source of a quotation (see Re 15:6), or it is a proof text underlying a mistaken doctrinal (Ge 3:15. Ga 6:15) or prophetic interpretation (Re 4:1), or it is a questionable identification of a figure of speech, questionable because it is misidentified (Ge 1:26n), or arbitrarily supports a mistaken (Ge 24:10n) viewpoint.

YLT    Young’s Literal Translation of the Bible.


I should add a note here as to where to find the new “Notes Index.”  It will be found in the e-Sword “Reference Library” under the title The Ultimate Cross Reference Treasury. There will be found the Bibliography, Names Index, Notes Index, Prayer Index, Proverbs Index.

The Subject Index and the Topic Index will be found in the lower left quadrant window pane of the e-Sword program devoted to Dictionaries, and will open when you click the “tab” labeled “UCTR Indexes.” Other indexes are there too, including the Figure of Speech Index, the most complete index to figures of speech found in the Bible there is.

It is a good idea to “browse” the Subject Index and the Topic Index.  You will discover many topics you would otherwise never imagine or discover otherwise.  They would provide any Bible reader a lifetime of information to glean from Bible study that might otherwise be missed.

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40 Responses to The Ultimate Cross Reference Treasury features explained

  1. Phil Johnson says:

    I absolutely love this resource. I have had _The *New* Treasury of Scripture Knowledge_ in book form since it was published in the 1990s, and I’ve always wished I could access it electronically. The Bible Study software I always turn to first is eSword. Of course it comes equipped with the original _Treasury of Scripture Knowledge_–but having used _The *New* Treasury_, I wanted the rest of those cross references. This expanded and improved version more than answers that need. Thanks for the labor you have invested in it–especially given the long commitment required to develop a work like this.

  2. Jerry says:

    Thank you, Phil, for your kind comments.

    The Ultimate Cross Reference Treasury is now far more complete than my New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge.

    I use it myself!

    If you ever have a question about this new resource, just post it here.

    My concern is that there must be many people who love the Bible who would enjoy using this Bible study tool, but have never heard of it.

    My hope and prayer is that those who use it will share the news and encourage others to do likewise.

  3. Steve Williams says:

    I can’t seem to locate the Subject Index alluded to in the documentation. Where exactly can I find it?

  4. Steve Williams says:

    Please disregard my previous email. Found it under the Dictionaries. Duh!

  5. Jerry says:

    Dear Steve,

    The Subject Index appears in the e-Sword’s program under the Dictionaries Window panel in the lower right hand corner or quadrant of e-Sword.

    Just “click” on the tab, “UCRT Indexes,” and you will see the Subject Index entries there displayed in a column at the right hand side of that quadrant dictionaries window.

    I know you let me know you already found out how to find the Subject Index, but I wrote an answer for the benefit of others who may read here too.

    Thank you for your good question. As the Lord leads, let others know about this Bible study tool.

    Should you ever have any further questions, just ask!

  6. Steven says:

    Hi Jerry,

    I may be being a little dense here, but I’m having problems figuring out how the topical index is supposed to be used (in the e-Sword version). Is one meant to memorize what the numbers stand for, or is there some way to search the index for a particular topic? For example, T31 ff. deal with baptism. Would you navigate to these by clicking on a reference to T31 (or T32, etc.) in the commentary section on a verse, then explore nearby topics in the index? Is that the idea?

    Also, I’m curious why some of the time clicking a Figure of Speech takes you to the first instance of that FoS in the index (e.g., clicking on FS144A3 in the commentary on Ephesians 3:5 takes you to FS144A1 in the index), while other times, it takes you to that specific subcategorization (e.g., clicking on FS63C in the commentary on Ephesians 4:29 takes you straight to FS63C in the index rather than FS63A1). Is there a pattern to this that has escaped my attention, or is it inconsistent?

    Finally, I use Accordance, Logos, and BibleWorks more than e-Sword, and have more resources in these programs (particularly in the original languages department). Are there plans to get UCRT implemented in these programs at some point?



  7. Jerry says:

    Dear Steven,

    My apologies for not getting back to you on this sooner. Now that summer is here, there is so much work to do both inside and outside that I have not spent much time on my computer.

    The Topic Number Index is designed to bring together related topics that would not be seen when only listed in an alphabetical index.

    For the first 750 numbered topics, I derived those from a work written in the nineteenth century, so the arrangement is not strictly mine. I utilized this resource because it enabled me to get a head start on creating an alphabetical subject index for the New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge.

    As an aside, I will say that there is more on the subject of baptism in The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge and now this new electronic edition created for e-Sword, The Ultimate Cross Reference Treasury, than you are likely to find in any other printed or electronic resource.

    For example, T39 has two subdivisions:

    T39-1. Passages referred to by those who immerse. Romans 6:4.

    T39-2. Passages referred to by those who sprinkle or pour. Hebrews 10:22. T31, Mark 7:4. T620, Psalms 72:6.

    In conjunction with these two contrasting positions regarding the mode of baptism, I have placed extensive notes throughout the Old Testament and the New Testament. These are readily found by following the cross references at either Romans 6:4 and its extensive note arguing for immersion, and at the Hebrews 10:22 reference where the cross references will lead to the passages used to support the mode of sprinkling or pouring.

    At Romans 6:4 I have marked Colossians 2:12 with a double asterisk, for this is a most important parallel to Romans 6:4. If you go to Colossians 2:12, you will find a note that presents the contrasting set of arguments for non-immersion. Many additional passages and related notes on this subject are given there.

    As for how those Figure of Speech links work, by clicking on the red-colored FS144A3 designation, it takes you to the first of the FS144A numbers. That must be how Rick Meyers programmed this when he created the module. I think it has its usefulness, in that it goes to the first example of the Figure of Speech in that general category. But from Ephesians 3:5 itself, you are taken to Genesis 11:5, the main entry for that Figure of Speech subcategory, where the figure is named and explained, and other instances of the figure for that precise subcategory are listed. I also provide the link to Bullinger’s Figures of Speech Used in the Bible, page 408, the primary source for the information I have provided.

    I believe the way I have set this up in the New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, and now in my revision and expansion of that work in The Ultimate Cross Reference Treasury, you have the most complete listing of the Figures of Speech used in the Bible that there is.

    I appreciate your good questions!

    If you have additional questions, please ask. I’ll get to them eventually, Lord willing and enabling.

  8. Is there a reason this is exclusive to eSword and not being made available for other Bible software companies to use? I love the Treasury & would love to use this resource in my preferred Bible apps.

  9. Jerry says:

    At the present time the Ultimate Cross Reference Treasury is exclusively available through eStudysource for use with the e-Sword free Bible software.

    My initial discussions seemed to indicate my resource would be made available in the future for other Bible study platforms, so this may happen in the future.

    At the present time I believe my contract makes no explicit provision for this eventuality.

    In the meantime, I have been upgrading this resource for my own personal use here as I do further Bible study. Should my Bible study resource become available for other platforms in the future, I am hoping my latest improvements will be included.

  10. John Schroeder says:

    This might sound like silly, but I am no scholar, and never been to seminary school.

    Today, I ordered this book “Nelson’s Cross Reference Guide to the Bible” Illuminating God’s Word Verse-By-Verse, but just found this website and realized that I don’t have the latest work being “The Ultimate Cross-Reference Treasury”.

    So with that in mind, I wanted to ask, do you have any YouTube videos on just doing a basic tutorial example on a uncontroversial topic/verse from beginning to end on using this resource, “The Ultimate Cross-Reference Treasury”?

    Where I can find more understanding information on how this resource is put together? For example, I want to ensure I could explain it to someone why I used this resource in my future bible studies, and how it works so that one might not think this resource is biased in anyway whatever on any controversial topics, one topic example being tongues.


  11. Jerry says:

    Dear John,

    You came to the right place to get an answer to your question since I am the one who created these resources.

    To study a subject like “tongues,” begin at any verse in the Bible that pertains to the subject.

    I just did a search in e-Sword using the King James Version for the word “tongues.” Of more than 30 references that appeared, I selected Acts 2:4.

    At Acts 2:4 I quickly scanned through the references given for the key words “began to speak” and made note of the single + sign given for Mark 16:17. The symbol “+” means “find more here.”

    Going to Mark 16:17 I focused on the cross references for the key words “shall speak.” The references given there lead to significant verses in the Bible about “tongues” and “speaking in tongues.” You will note that among the verses listed under Mark 16:17 are those recording Paul’s teaching about tongues: Paul said that he spoke in tongues “more than ye all,” and cautioned them “forbid not to speak in tongues.”

    The first reference given at Mark 16:17 in this reference set shows that speaking in tongues is the subject of Bible prophecy (Joel 2:28, 29). The second reference given is Acts 2:4-11 shows how the prediction was fulfilled in history, and so forth. And so it is possible to work directly through the passages listed to get a non-controversial presentation from the Bible itself about what the Bible explicitly says about this spiritual gift.

    I prepared the Ultimate Cross Reference Treasury on purpose in a manner to present the evidence both for and against many different doctrinal positions. I did that so that anyone who desires to study the Bible more deeply can see the evidence for alternate viewpoints and come to a sound conclusion after prayer for guidance and insight coupled with careful, thorough study. The Holy Spirit is promised to guide us, but we must take care to do our homework very carefully.

    On the other hand, Nelson’s Cross Reference Guide to the Bible has almost no notes, just cross references. Even so, I have seen objections on line to the few outlines I retained.

    Most users of all three of my cross reference titles are very pleased at the effort I made to provide more cross references and helpful notes.

    Most of the notes I have provided were in response to questions my high school Sunday school class raised as we studied the Bible together, or questions raised by students who attended the Bible Discussion Club at Cass Technical High School in Detroit. Further questions were asked by students in my college and career Sunday school classes in both Detroit, Michigan and Gainesville, Florida.

    So, to anyone who might not like my answers, blame my Sunday school classes and the students in my Bible Discussion Club for asking such good questions! They demanded that I include the answers to their questions, even when the subjects might be controversial for some.

    Feel free to ask more questions that you might have.

  12. John Schroeder says:

    Hi Jerry,
    Thanks for your reply.

    I wish I still had the book to give it a try on what you replied with. I have yet to make a final decision on purchasing your latest work from eSword. Let me explain also where I got hung up with your initial resource, in my mind when I came to the +, which means find more here right? Well, when that took me to other verses, those verses had a + as well, so it was kind of making me wonder was I supposed to stop at the first + or just keep going until I exhausted each verse with the pluses, which might have had me with a sheet of paper going on past 100 verses or so to look at. I thought maybe I got to be doing this wrong…Let me share something with you below, and maybe this is how you go about piecing together those cross references. Would you consider a method such as I will outline below? I am curious if it is valid method, or perhaps I am missing something. The goal here really is just trying to bring the facts straight up to the table top, and then from there with the Holy Spirit’s guidance make a decision as to which way I interpret it, etc.

    Let say if I say to myself what does the bible say about this topic or that word or that phrase, and lets take for example “tongues”, since you used that example!

    Just as you said the first appearance of tongues in the new testament is in Mark 16:17, and if you look at english word “tongues” and dig deeper, you can see that γλώσσαις <—- which is the inflected greek word from glōssa keyed to strong's g1100 with γλῶσσα being the root greek word of glōssa. Do you agree with that statement? I got that from BLB.

    If so, is it possible to take that inflected greek word γλώσσαις and see everywhere it is used in the new testament? I see it 14 times.

    Mark 16:17
    Acts 2:4
    Acts 2:11
    Acts 10:46
    Acts 19:6
    Romans 3:13
    1 Corinthians 12:30
    1 Corinthians 13:1
    1 Corinthians 14:5
    1 Corinthians 14:6
    1 Corinthians 14:18
    1 Corinthians 14:23
    1 Corinthians 14:39
    Revelation 10:11

    I guess the next question is if you agree with that, how do you take it further?
    When you look at it in the Youngs Literal Translation, it shows this english word right before the word "tongues". Perhaps because I started looking at the english word before that greek word, maybe it might not tell me really anything, but all in all, I don't see inflected for hebrew words? and what is interesting is when you look up the english word tongue without the 's', I see on BLB a Lexiconc for some appearances of "tongue", but not tongues…

    Strongs # | Hebrew | Transliterated | English Equivalent
    Old Testament (Hebrew) for "tongue"
    H762 | אֲרָמי | 'Aramiyth | Syrian language, Syrian tongue, Syriack
    H2013 | הָסָה | hacah | keep silence, hold your peace, hold your tongue still, silence
    H2790 | חָרַשׁ | charash | …peace, plow, devise, keep … silence, hold…tongue, altogether, plowman, cease, conceal, deaf, to ear, graven, imagine, misc
    H3956 | לָשׁוֹן | lashown | tongue, language, bay, wedge, babbler, flame, speaker, talkers

    Strongs # | Greek | Transliterated | English Equivalent
    New Testament (Greek) for "tongue"
    G1100 | γλῶσσα | glōssa | tongue
    G1258 | διάλεκτος | dialektos | tongue, language
    G1351 | δίλογος | dilogos | doubletongued
    G1447 | Ἑβραϊστί | hebraisti | in the Hebrew tongue, in the Hebrew, in Hebrew
    G2084 | ἑτερόγλωσσος | heteroglōssos | other tongue

    Mark 16:17 "new tongues"
    Acts 2:4 "other tongues"
    Acts 2:11 "our tongues"
    Acts 10:46 "with tongues"
    Acts 19:6 "with tongues"
    Romans 3:13 "their tongues"
    1 Corinthians 12:30 "with tongues"
    1 Corinthians 13:1 "the tongues"
    1 Corinthians 14:5 "with tongues"
    1 Corinthians 14:6 "speaking tongues"
    1 Corinthians 14:18 "with tongues"
    1 Corinthians 14:23 "with tongues"
    1 Corinthians 14:39 "with tongues"
    Revelation 10:11 "and tongues"

  13. Jerry says:

    Dear John,

    I designed the system of “+” references in many places to make possible what I call a “3 level Bible study.” The purpose of this is to make possible a very thorough and deep study of a subject or doctrine in God’s Word.

    The “first level” is to consult the references as given at the original verse you are studying.

    After you have read those, if you wish to “dig deeper,” go to any references that have the “+” sign. That constitutes the “second level” of study.

    If you still need to dig deeper or need to find out more, consult any references given at the “second level” that have a “+” sign.

    I have been amazed at the unity of Scripture teaching when I have made such a study. Consulting all the evidence the Bible presents on any given subject will help make certain that I have not neglected to consider an important related passage that I might never have thought to link to the subject of the verse where I started from.

  14. John Schroeder says:

    Hi Jerry,
    Thanks for your response.

    Can you give me what you can find on this reference? 2 Chronicles 12:14

    Essentially what I am trying to find out here is, what does it mean to prepare your heart? or how do we go about preparing our heart, so we don’t do evil, perhaps preparing our heart means to seek the Lord?

    I am curious to see what other references your work gets on 2 Chronicles 12:14 and how it compares to what I am finding on multiple websites out there, for example these 4 links here all appear to show the same thing as far as cross references go on that particular verse, and appears to use the TSK for cross references.
    I am actually curious how they decided that 2 Chronicles 12:14 matches with these verses, it looks like they break it out by the words in the verse and see what it is related to instead of the whole verse?

    Verse 14
    And he did evil, because he prepared not his heart to seek the LORD.

    he prepared
    Heb. he fixed.
    11:16; 19:3; 30:19; 1 Samuel 7:3; 1 Chronicles 29:18; Psalms 57:7; 78:8,37; 1 Corinthians 15:58; 1 Corinthians 16:13
    to seek
    Deuteronomy 5:29; Psalms 105:3,4; Isaiah 45:19; 55:6,7; Ezekiel 33:31; Matthew 7:7

  15. Jerry says:

    Dear John,

    You have been asking some very good questions!

    Here is a comparison of what I have for 2 Chronicles 12:14,

    From The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge:

    2 Chronicles 12:14
    he prepared: Heb. he fixed, 2Ch 11:16, 2Ch 19:3, 2Ch 30:19; 1Sa 7:3; 1Ch 29:18; Psa 57:7, Psa 78:8, Psa 78:37; 1Co 15:58; 1Co 16:13
    to seek: Deut 5:29; Psa 105:3, 4; Isa 45:19, Isa 55:6, 7; Eze 33:31; Mat 7:7

    From The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge:

    he did evil. ◐2Ch 19:3; 1Ki 14:22

    he prepared. Heb. he fixed. ver. 2Ch 12:1; 2Ch 11:16; 2Ch 19:3; 2Ch 27:6; 2Ch 30:19; 1Sa 7:3; 1Ki 15:14; 1Ch 29:18; Psa 57:7 mg. Psa 78:8; Psa 78:37; Psa 112:7; ✓1Co 15:58; 1Co 16:13

    to seek. Deut 5:29; Psa 105:3; Psa 105:4; Isa 45:19; ✓Isa 55:6; Isa 55:7; Eze 33:31; *Mat 7:7; *Luk 11:9

    From Nelson’s Cross Reference Guide to the Bible:

    he did evil. 2 Ch 19:3. 1 Kings 14:22.

    he prepared. Heb. he fixed. 2 Ch 12:1. 2 Ch 11:16. 19:3. 20:33. 27:6 mg. 2 Ch 30:19. 1 Sam 7:3. 1 K 15:14. 1 Ch 29:18 mg. Ezr 7:10. Jb 11:13. Ps 10:17 mg. Ps 57:7 mg. Ps 78:8, 37. 112:7. Ho 6:3 mg. Hg 1:5 mg. 1 Cor 15:58. 16:13.

    to seek. Dt 5:29. Ps 105:3, 4. +Je 29:13. Ezk 33:31.

    From The Ultimate Cross Reference Treasury:

    he did evil. %2Ch 19:3, +*1Ki 12:8; 1Ki 14:22, 23, 24, Pro 11:10, 11; Pro 12:5; Pro 12:26; Pro 17:4; Pro 24:20; Pro 24:24; Pro 25:5; Pro 28:4; Pro 28:12; Pro 28:28; **Pro 29:2; **Pro 29:12; **Pro 29:16.

    because. +**Psa 9:10 note.

    he prepared. Heb. he fixed. 2Ch 12:1, 2Ch 11:16; *2Ch 19:3; *2Ch 20:33; 2Ch 27:6 mg. 2Ch 30:19, 1Sa 7:3, 1Ki 15:14, 1Ch 29:18 mg. *Ezr 7:10, Job 11:13, Psa 10:17 mg. Psa 57:7 mg. Psa 78:8; Psa 78:37; Psa 112:7; +*Psa 119:80, Hos 6:3 mg. Hag 1:5 mg. **1Co 15:58; 1Co 16:13.

    his heart. +*Psa 119:80, +*Pro 4:23.

    to seek. Deut 5:29; **Deut 17:18, 19, 20, *Psa 105:3; *Psa 105:4, +*Isa 45:19; **Isa 55:6; **Isa 55:7, +Jer 29:13, Eze 33:31, *Mat 7:7, +**Luk 11:9.

    You can see that The Ultimate Cross Reference Treasury has the most cross references. Coupled with the special symbols, there is much to consider in understanding this verse and what the rest of the Bible has to say on the same and similar themes.

    The online links are generally to the original Treasury of Scripture Knowledge which is public domain. The other sources I cite above are under copyright and so cannot legitimately or legally be used by other sites.

  16. Tim says:


    Thankyou for this invaluable resource, the older NTSK has been my single most used bible study tool for many years. I consider the NTSK indispensable for my studies so I have acquired several copies for ‘backup’ and as loaners.

    I just discovered the updated e-sword version and I have already added the module. I don’t know what to say other than thankyou, thankyou for dedicating your time and effort into this most unique of resources.

    The search capabilities made possible by this software version are an indescribable convenience of inestimable valuable. That being so, I still find a place and need for physical books and prefer ‘desk reading’. Is there any possibility that a physical version of the UCRT will ever be published, or is that a non-feasible scenario?

    In any case, best tool for any purpose I have ever used.


    Tim Hughes

  17. Jerry says:

    Dear Tim,

    Thank you for your kind comments.
    There is no likelihood that the UCRT will ever be published in book form. If it were so published, it would likely be a very large book!

    There are plans to reprint my book, The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge. There must be some new people in charge of things at the publisher. I was told that they were amazed that the publisher ever let it go out of print. The implication (I hope) means that perhaps it will go back in print and stay in print.

    Thank you for posting a comment on my site at Real Bible Study. Feel free to post a comment or question any time. There is much to read and learn here, so I trust you will find your way back here again.

  18. Tim Morton says:


    Thanks very much for making this tool available.

    We are a Bible software developer and are wondering if you would consider allowing us to also distribute the UCRT. I will not expound on the features or even give the name of our software here because I do not want to appear too forward or take advantage of your blog, but our software does have capabilities of displaying and indexing your data beyond what is currently possible.

    Furthermore, if your cross-references are not fully reciprocal, (that is, the object of a cross-reference always refers back to the sending reference), and you see that of value, we have developed a script that can do this digitally. We did it for the TSK, where the references are mostly not reciprocal, and it increased the cross-references by around 50%.

    Anyway, if you are interested, send us an email and we can discuss it.

  19. Jerry says:

    Thank you, Tim Morton, for reaching out to me. I will send you a separate answer via email.

  20. Ross Purdy says:

    Are you familiar with the Trinitarian Bible Society and the Bibles they publish? They have an edition called the Westminster Edition with 200,000 cross references. They were taken and combined from two different works and I think there are even some duplicate references left in it that were never edited out. Are you familiar with that one? They have a large print edition and more affordable hardcover last time I checked.

  21. Jerry says:

    I am familiar with the Trinitarian Bible Society. I have a very fine Bible by them published by Schuyler, and checking just now, it is the Westminster edition. It does have more references than most Bibles. But it does not compare to the over 900,000 references I included in my Ultimate Cross Reference Treasury!

  22. Ross Purdy says:

    The e-Sword figures of speech links do not work. Maybe some do somewhere but not the ones I tried.

  23. Ross Purdy says:

    I was expecting a tool tip pop up! I see it is appearing in the Dict window.

    It would be nice if the entire index was viewable.

  24. Ross Purdy says:

    In the URCT:
    Romans 11:16
    For the fifth entry in the verse:

    and if. FS184A, +1Co_15:2.

    This appears to be a repetition of the first line and should rather be as in

    Nelson’s Cross Reference

    and if. ver. 17. Ge +*17:7. Je 2:21. 1 C +*7:14.


    New Treasury

    and if. ver. 17. Ge +*17:7. Je 2:21. 1 Co +*7:14.

    Would not “branch” be cross referenced to such as Is 11:1, Is 53:2, Jer 23:5, Jer 33:15, Psalm 85:1, Zec 3:8, Zec 6:12?

  25. Ross Purdy says:

    That should be Psalm 85:11 and not 85:1!

    They refer to the branch but that is what is arising from the root. Perhaps “branch” would be better rendered “sapling” or “tender plant” as Is 53:2.

  26. Jerry says:

    Dear Ross,

    It has taken me longer to get to you with my response to your comments and questions. I have just finished entering and listing corrections for my New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge last Friday, August 12, 2022. That is when I sent them in to the publisher. The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge is anticipated to become available in printed book form in 2023.

    The format of how Figures of Speech are indexed in the e-Sword edition of my Ultimate Cross Reference Treasury makes it harder to see the organization of the Figures of Speech as a whole, compared to the same listing on the printed pages of the New Treasury, but they should all be there.

    When you “click” on a Figure of Speech number in the text of the Ultimate Cross Reference Treasury it will activate the display in the UCRT Indexes drop-down display in the lower left quadrant of the e-Sword “Dictionaries” portion of the screen (at least that is how it works on my PC). Clicking on that displayed entry will take you to where an explanation and/or listing of that Figure is given in the UCRT.

    The Figure of Speech listings in the UCRT are more complete than they were in the NTSK. But when the NTSK is republished in book form, its indexes will be more complete than the UCRT is now.

  27. Jerry says:

    Actually, the Ultimate Cross Reference Treasury is more accurate here than my Nelson’s Cross Reference Guide to the Bible.

    The UCRT identifies each occurrence of “if” as to its grammatical class, a very important and significant feature. There are cases where “if” occurs more than once in a verse but with a different class of “if,” representing a difference not evident in our English translations.

  28. Jerry says:

    As for cross references at Romans 11:16, branches. Branches is in the plural. None of the resources I used to compile and expand the references for the UCRT give the references you suggest for “branch.” But if you go to Isaiah 11:1 you will find a most instructive set of references to “branch” given there, a set which includes some of the references you have suggested.

    Thank you for your comments and your diligence in studying God’s Word by means of cross reference Bible study.

  29. Fabian says:

    Would love to see this in Accordance Please get in contact with them.

  30. Jerry says:

    So far, by contract, my Ultimate Cross Reference Treasury is exclusively available for the eSword Bible software program.

    Thank you for your interest in my program.

  31. Judah Cobble says:

    Dear Mr. Smith,

    Greetings my name is Judah Cobble. I have a couple of questions regarding your “cross-reference” work. I wonder if I may request to connect with you via email? If you’re willing I’d be very grateful.



  32. Jerry says:

    Dear Judah Cobble,

    Thank you for contacting me. I will attempt to reach out to you as you requested.

  33. Kaz Kowalski says:

    Hi Jerry,

    Been susing UCRT for a few years, tell lots of people about it, many like the look of it but somehow to not get engaged enough to want it! I guess I must improve my sales pitch 🙂

    I guess some of the functionality that you describe must work on PC but not on Mac e.g.
    ” When you “click” on a Figure of Speech number in the text of the Ultimate Cross Reference Treasury it will activate the display in the UCRT Indexes drop-down display in the lower left quadrant of the e-Sword “Dictionaries” portion of the screen (at least that is how it works on my PC). Clicking on that displayed entry will take you to where an explanation and/or listing of that Figure is given in the UCRT.”

    None of that seems to work which is a real shame. Unless I am doing something wrong.

    Nothing to do with you of course. I must admit the PC version of e-sword for me works much better.

  34. Jerry says:

    Thank you, Kaz, for sharing your experience with the UCRT. I’ll have to ask my oldest son who has the UCRT on his I-phone whether he has experienced any deficiency in its functionality compared to using it on a PC.

    Thanks for letting others know about the UCRT. I, too, find many fellow-believers seem not to be deep enough yet in their reading and study of God’s Word to feel any need to make use of cross-reference Bible study.

    I find a need to use it almost daily in response to questions and challenges others present to me on the Internet. It turns out that the UCRT is a most valuable study tool to find and present the Bible answers to questions asked by both atheists and Muslims. I suspect anyone who is engaged to any degree at all of personal witness and evangelism would be most eager to have and use the UCRT.

    I have received kind reports here of “ordinary” Christians using the UCRT in their daily devotional reading of Scripture. I recall especially hearing from a lady in Australia who uses it this way.

    I often suggest that studying the cross references given at Colossians 1:10 will bless any Bible reader and help them see the value and encouragement such a study provides.

    As you tell others about the UCRT, consider pointing them to this site. If they would read the articles I have written starting from January of 2010, thus reading the oldest posts first, they may be helped to understand the value and use of cross reference Bible study tools.

    I am thankful that my book, The New Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, was released in a new and improved edition earlier this year (2023). Among the improvements are a much expanded and corrected Figure of Speech Index and many corrections to cross references where I found mistakes (like typos) I made, as well as mistakes in the sources I used to find more cross reference passages. If you don’t have this printed resource, you might consider getting it.

  35. I just purchased the UCRT and when I click on the indexes Tab in the Dictionary only the Topic index is displayed… is it the same as the subject index? Also does the Dictionary search function work for the UCRT because the OK button is grayed out.

  36. How do you access the FS index When I click on the UCRT Indexes tab it dislays only the topic index.. Can you help

  37. Jerry says:

    Dear Robert,

    Thank you for buying the UCRT.

    When you click on the UCRT Indexes tab you will see a narrow column in the Dictionary View on its right hand side. This displays the Subject Index, the Figure of Speech Index, and the Topic Number Index.

    All you have to do is scroll through the entries listed.

    If you click on the entry that interests you, it will appear in the Dictionary View space to the left of the Index Column.

    From within the UCRT, clicking on a Topic Number or a Figure of Speech number will display it in the Dictionary View.

  38. Jerry says:

    Dear Robert,

    To access the FS index, scroll down as far as the “F” entries in the index column. You will see them all listed in order in that part of the index. The Topic Number Index is also further down the index under “T” where you will see them all listed.

    When you click on the Index Entry it will be displayed in the Dictionary View quadrant in e-Sword, which is in the lower left-hand quadrant, at least on my PC.

    Thank you for visiting my site. Always feel free to ask more questions.

  39. Judah Cobble says:

    Dear brother Jerry,

    Greetings! This is Judah Cobble. Perhaps you remember my contacting you early last year?

    1) I wanted to tell you that our Gracious Lord JESUS has blessed me immensely in my studies through your work on the UCRT. Through the material collected He has opened my eyes to “Truth Points” that I had never seen before, that have given me new perspectives on some matters. Thanks be to KING JESUS for introducing me to the work He has helped you compile!

    2) I wonder if I may request you to contact me at the given email?

    Many blessings to you my brother; and to your dear wife as well! IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF MESSIAH JESUS – Our GREAT GOD & SAVIOR !!!

    bro. judah

  40. Jerry says:

    I do remember you! I will reach out to you shortly.

    I am greatly encouraged by your wonderful comment here.

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