Daily Bible Nugget #376, Matthew 9:2

The Nugget:

Matthew 9:2 And, behold, they brought to him a man sick of the palsy, lying on a bed: and Jesus seeing their faith said unto the sick of the palsy; Son, be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiven thee.

My Comment:

My attention was directed to Matthew 9:2 this morning when I listened to Pastor W. L. Wade of Danville, Virginia bring a message on the theme of cheer. Pastor Wade spoke of (1) The Cheer of Jesus’ Pardon, Matthew 9:2, noting that this forgiveness was granted before His death on the cross. (2) The might of this word cheer in dealing with the leprosy of sin. (3) The merit of cheer. Every sin must be punished. (4) The mercy of the compassionate Christ. Christ provided not only physical healing, but spiritual healing as well. (5) The majesty of His cheer, as He uttered pardon. He reached their hearts. Pastor Wade, if he should see this, might be ready to tear his hair out at my unskilled note taking, but what I have given is just a tiny bit of what he covered in what must have been about a seven minute message in a 15 minute time slot with a musical piece or hymn played at the beginning of the program. Pastor Wade packs more Gospel truth and Bible instruction and encouragement in seven minutes than most radio speakers I’ve heard can manage in half an hour or more. He does not waste words. He brings words of comfort, challenge, and instruction. I listen to him, as far as my schedule permits, each Friday at either 9:45 am or 9:45 pm on Foundations Bible College radio of Dunn, North Carolina at www.fbcradio.org which provides several different options for listening, your choice dependent upon the kind of Internet connection you have. The choices are given in the right-hand upper corner of the page, and also spelled out in more detail if you click on the “Listen” option provided. I highly recommend you listen to his teaching every Friday. The music on this Christian station features solid Christian hymns throughout the day, which are delight to listen to.

On Sunday morning Pastor Wade’s program airs on a secular music station in Danville, Virginia at 8:30 am each Sunday morning, Eastern time, in the United States at this link: WBTM or when that link does not work, at WBTM.

If you happen to live in the Danville, Virginia area (my wife and I have often said to each other that we wish we did!), visit his church, the Lighthouse Bible Church, for absolutely sound, uplifting, Bible teaching.

Notice that in Matthew 9:2 we read that Jesus forgave sin, even before He died on the cross for us all. We learn from the Gospel account in Mark that certain of the scribes sitting there when Jesus said this were reasoning in their hearts, “Why doth this man thus speak blasphemies? who can forgive sins but God only?” (Mark 2:7).

Jesus knew what they were thinking without them ever telling Him (Mark 2:8).

The scribes were certainly correct: only God can forgive sin.

The scribes also believed that only God can heal by a miracle of healing.

Jesus confronted them directly, asking “Which is easier to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee, or Take up thy bed and walk?” Then Jesus told the paralyzed man before him, “Arise, and take up thy bed, and go thy way into thine house” (Mark 2:11).

The paralyzed man got up right then and did just that.

This ought to have been enough evidence right there that Jesus was no mere man, though of course He was a man, but that He was also God. But, given the premises believed by the scribes, Jesus surely provided the proof required to establish His claim that He had the power or authority on earth to forgive sins (Mark 2:10).

And if Jesus has the power to forgive sins–Who does that make Him to be, seeing only God has that power by the scribes’ own testimony?

Are you sure that your sins are forgiven? Only Jesus Christ can forgive sins. For Him to do that, you must place your faith in Him as both Lord and Saviour, and hear His word, and believe on Him that sent Jesus to us (John 5:24).

I have never heard that any other religious leader, say like Mohammed, makes any claim to have the authority to forgive sin. Jesus Christ has that authority. He did not delegate that authority to anyone else, contrary to the claims of the Roman Catholic Church, its Pope, and its priests. They forgot to study their Greek Grammar carefully, and they are therefore absolutely wrong in their understanding of what our Lord Jesus Christ taught. You cannot properly interpret the doctrine of the New Testament until you understand the grammar which lies behind it.

Pastor Wade motivated me to take another look at the cross references given for Matthew 9:2. As a result, I expanded them, and placed them more accurately to correspond to the keywords of the verse. I share the results of this afternoon’s study with all of you immediately below.

Matthew 9:2. they brought. +Mt 4:24. 8:16. Mk 1:32. 2:1-3. Lk 5:18, 19. Ac 5:15, 16. 19:12. sick. +Mt 4:24. of the palsy. a paralytic. Mt 8:6. on a bed. Mk 2:4. 6:55. Lk 5:18. seeing their faith. ver. 22, 29. Mt 8:10, +Mt 8:13. 15:28. +**Mt 17:20. Mk 2:4, 5. 9:23. 10:52. Lk 5:19, 20. 7:9, 50. 17:19. 18:42. +*Jn 2:25. Ac 3:16. 14:9. *James 1:6, 7. 2:18. 5:15. Son. ver. Mt 9:22. Ru 2:8. 1 S 3:6. Pr 1:8. 23:15. Mk 5:34. Lk 8:48. +Lk 15:31. Jn 21:5. good cheer. Gr. tharseō [(S#2293g), to have courage (Strong): Rendered (1) be of good cheer: Mt 9:2; 14:27; Mk 6:50; Jn 16:33; Ac 23:11. (2) be of good comfort: Mt 9:22; Mk 10:49; Lk 8:48]. ver. 22. Mt 14:27. Ge 43:29. Ec 9:7. *Is 40:1, 2. Lk 5:20. 7:47-50. +Jn 16:33. Ac 23:11. *Ro 5:11. thy sins. Is 6:7. +*Mk 2:5. +Lk 7:48. Jn 5:14. Ro 4:7. *James 5:15. be forgiven thee. Note: Rather, “thy sins are forgiven thee;” the words being an affirmation, not a prayer or wish. The word be, however, was used by our translators in the indicative plural for are. As the palsy is frequently produced by intemperance, it is probable, from our Lord’s gracious declaration, that it was the case in the present instance. Ps 25:18. **Ps 32:1, 2. +*Ps 103:3. Is 44:22. Je 31:33, 34. Mk 2:7-12. Lk 5:20. 7:47-50. Ac 5:31. 13:38, 39. Ro 4:6-8. Ep 1:7. Col 1:12-14. +*Col 2:13. 3:13. *James 5:15.

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